玩咖尬宅爸--The Change Up


6.3 / 196,329人    112分鐘 | USA:118分鐘 (unrated version)

導演: 大衛多布金
編劇: 強盧卡斯 史考特摩爾
演員: 奧莉薇亞魏爾德 萊恩雷諾斯 傑森貝特曼 萊絲里曼恩 亞倫阿金


2012-03-17 09:11:05

Laugh out loud

Best friends envy each other. True.

No man is perfect man and no life is perfect life. True.

Thus an on track man with boring sucess changed up with an off track man with messed-up freedom. From unadaptable to attached, from "a brain damaged mule lost in the damn desert" to "I am proud of you", perspective varied, efforts made, then both grow up, fit back to own life and become a better self.

Difference attracts and similarities get along. True.

Before making any decision in your life, no matter how small, call your wife first. So true. Ah-ha!