2012-03-29 06:00:41
不知為何最近和動物特別有緣,」飛禽走獸」幾乎讓我遇了個遍,難道真是春天來了,萬物甦醒了麻.這不禁讓我想起了之前看過的此片-We Bought a Zoo,順便寫下我的感想,什麼?你問為什麼,我想反問,為什麼不呢?
看完全片,感覺貫穿全片有三個詞,分別是:why not(為何不), 20 seconds courage (勇氣), new(嶄新)
(一)why not
Why not,為什麼不呢.主人公Benjamin Mee在遭遇了失去愛妻的家庭變故後,種種不順接踵而至,包括和兩個孩子的關係以及自己的工作社交方面.
Why not在全片共出現了四處,且四處出現why not時,背景音樂同時響起,完全地一致喲,這並非巧合~~
(1)在17分35秒時爸爸Benjamin Mee去看新房子,女兒Rosie拿著照相機在拍照, Benjamin Mee告訴女兒Rosie不用拍照了.而女兒回答道:為什麼.此時主人公Benjamin Mee的心中已經深深地被眼前的景像所吸引,他的心中似乎已經有了答案,這就是他要找的.
You don't have to take a picture, Rosie.
Why not?
(2)在32分26秒處該動物園負責人詢問Benjamin Mee為什麼要買下這處房產,她擔心她的希望又會落空,她擔心別人不負責任地離開.而Benjamin Mee聽後沉默良久只回答了句為什麼不買呢.此時他的心中已經堅定它要維護好眼前這座動物園的決心~
Why did you buy this place?
Why not?
(3)在1小時34分23秒處, Benjamin Mee為逝去的老虎兄弟斯巴定做了紀念牌,並喃喃自語:我快死時,你也會這麼做,是嗎?
You would have done the same for me.
Why not?
(4)在1小時58分34秒出, Benjamin Mee帶著兩個孩子去到了他和妻子相識的地方,並回憶與她的初次相遇,初次交談~
當時憨憨的 Benjamin Mee初遇她時,不禁一見鍾情,但是他並不知如何表達,莽莽撞撞地衝進去就打了招呼,但是她依然禮貌地回應了他,他不禁奇怪為什麼你這樣的大美女會搭理我這種人呢?她只是微笑著說:為什麼不呢?
"Why would an amazing woman like you"
"Even talk to someone like me?"
Why not?
(二) 20 seconds courage
20 seconds courage和why not相呼應的,竟然在片中同樣也出現了4處
有時 你只需要20秒的勇氣
You know, sometimes all you need is 20 seconds of insane courage.
You only have to be courageous for 20 seconds
所以我自言自語 堅持20秒 對吧
And so I thought to myself, "20 seconds." Right?
全片還多出提到了新的~Benjamin Mee在遭遇家庭變故後,似乎就失去了自我,遭遇種種不順,他希望找回自我,找回曾經的和睦家庭,找回曾經的快樂,他希望作出改變,是全新的改變~
-New day , We just want new. We want new... New everything.
-New opportunities, new schools, just new.
-Just new.
-Know what? It's all about new.
-People love new.
-I love new. Hell, I'm new!
-Excuse my language, but I'm new.
- All right. - Hell, I'm new.
- New is the new old. - New.
- New, new, new. - New.
-A new start.
-A new place.
-That is a new smell! Wow!
On another harry due.
You made me long for.
To be a part of.
Something that I can't see.
A life that is beyond.
Something that I can't fear.
To be a part of.
The story, it belongs to you.
Something you said burns.
Apart the pen and the paper.
You can't always write it.
It is something you have to do.
Gathering stories.
A story, it belongs to you.
They say that it's gone now.
You know that I disagree.
I barely hear you.
Your signal is cold now.
So turn me into video.
Tune the radio.
Sing along.
To all our favorite songs.
Your signal is growing.
Out in little pieces.
And watch in a moment.
Secure it for falling.
Over the stars.
Over the nights.
Over the rains.
Over the moons.
Over the days.
Over the streams.
Over the skies.
Over the ponds.
Over the fires.
Over the lakes.
Over the trees.
Over the minds.
Our kisses.
Opens doors.
Over the doors.
I am alive.