站在我這邊--Stand by Me


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導演: 羅伯萊納
編劇: 史蒂芬金 Raynold Gideon
演員: Wil Wheaton 瑞凡費尼克斯 Corey Feldman 傑瑞·奧康奈爾


2012-04-22 03:39:04

《stand by me》經典的台詞

Did your mather have any kids that lived?

Hava gun will travel reads the card of a man.
A knight without armor in a savage land.
His fase gun for hire heeds the calling wind.
A soldire of forturn is the man called Paladin.

Vern didn't just mean being off-limits inside the junkyard or fudging on our folks or going on a hike up the railroad tracks to HarLow.He meant those things ,but it seems to me now there was more and that we all knew it.Everything was there and around us ,we knew exactly who we were and exactly where we were going .It was grand.

Finding new and preferably disgusting ways to degrade a friend's mother was always held in high regard.

Bible says "In the midst of life,we are in death"

But going to see a dead kid maybe it shoulen't be a party.

Life if he's all cut up and blood and shit all over him...

It was only 2:45,but it felt much later.it was too hot ,and too much had happened.

that's when a cigarette tastes beat after supper...

You think Migthy Mouse could beat up Superman?
What are you cracked?
why not?
I saw the other day ,he was carrying five elephants in one hand.
Boy,you don't know nothing,Mighty Mouse is a cartoon ,Superman is a real guy.No way a cartoon could beat up a real guy.
Yeah,maybe you're right.

This is what we got for you ,kid try not to lose it.
But kids lose everything unless there's someone there look out for them .

This is my age,i'm in the prime of my youth and i'll only be young once.

Why did you have to die?

maybe you will and maybe you won't.

As time went on,we saw less and less of Teddy and Vern,until eventually they became just two more faces in the halls.It happens sometimes.Friends com in and out of your life like busboys in a restaurant.有些朋友常是一閃而逝,就像路上的行人一樣。

Although i hadn't seen him in more than ten years ,I know i'll miss him forever.

I never had any friends later on like the one i had when i was twelve.Jesus,does anyone?