❤ YoyoRan
2012-04-28 10:40:02
希區柯克間隔最久,耗時三年潛心劇本和技術倒騰出來的先鋒之作, 每一幀,每句台詞, 包括鳥的叫聲都預先設定, 全片沒有配樂. 費里尼稱之為啟示性的詩,並將此列為個人最愛希區柯克作品和電影史上最偉大作品之一.再次涉及」可怕母親」的主題, 此片有關人的孤獨與對被拋棄的恐懼. 它啟示著人的關係都是脆弱的, 人與人沒有辦法阻止相互的傷害. 孩子成為主要的受害者源自他們繼承了」父的罪惡」. 每一次鳥的襲擊都喻示了人的原罪: 本性自私和脆弱,並因此而受罪. 其開放式的結局象徵了救贖的可能性.
「鳥」是希區柯克作品中反覆使用的物象, 包涵不同深意: Blackmail, Sabotage, Young and Innocent, The Lady Vanishes, Jamaica Inn, Saboteur, Vertigo, Psycho...
「1): The birds are taking revenge for man’s persecution of them; 2) They are sent by God to punish evil humanity; 3) The birds express the tensions between the characters.」
Hitchcock said this film was about 「complacency.」
「The Birds」 is the story of her search for her lost mother, a woman who abandoned her years ago and whom she 『refinds』 at the end in Lydia Brenner, the very woman who at first seems to reject her.」
男主: Rod 泰勒 - Mitch Brenner
女主: Tippi Hedren - Melanie Daniels
女配: 傑西卡 Tandy - Lydia
劇本: Evan Hunter
「She’s not afraid of losing Mitch. She’s afraid of being abandoned.」
「it’s end of the world.」
「(Mother) ditched us when I was eleven and ran off with a hotel man from the East.」 「I wish I were a stronger person... I lost my husband four years ago... It’s terrible how you depend on someone for strength.」
「I wish I could relax -- I wish I could sleep.」 (She lives in a state of constant tension.)
「But you see -- I don』t want to be left along -- I don』t think I could bear to be left alone.」
「Why are they trying to kill people?」 「I wish I could say.」 (The Birds is about the Day of Judgment)
「(the lovebirds) They haven』t harmed anyone.」