雨人--Rain Man


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導演: 巴瑞李文森
編劇: Barry Morrow 羅那貝斯
演員: 達斯汀霍夫曼 湯姆克魯斯 薇拉莉‧葛琳諾 Gerald R. Molen


2012-05-17 09:04:32

Rain Man

Tom Cruise is a absolutely brilliant actor in Rain Man. A story of an autistic person connecting with his younger brother who is mired in financial, relationship and most importantly personality problems. Ironically, it is his autistic brother that teaches him all the things he has always lacked. One of the only memories Charlie has of his childhood is his "imaginary friend" "rain man" singing to him, comforting him. Little did Charlie expect that after so many years, it would be the same person comforting and fixing him to be a better person. The emotion is very well portrayed in the film, and it really is able to touch the audience's hearts. But is it just me? Or did anyone else feel a little strange that the turning point when Charlie started appreciating Raymond was in the casino after they've won a bunch of money?