

6.8 / 23,702人    115分鐘 | USA:103分鐘 (R-rated version)

導演: 尚傑克‧安諾
編劇: 尚傑克‧安諾 瑪格麗特‧莒哈絲
演員: 珍瑪奇 梁家輝 Frederique Meininger

Rainy W

2012-05-25 03:20:20


     So that day ,I'm going back to Saigon .I'm wearing my cabaret shoes and my man's hat . No woman ,no young girl wears a man's fedora in that colony in those days . No native woman either . That hat ,I never leave it . I have that , my hat .That all by itself makes me whole .I'm never without it.




    She had wept because she had thought of that man from Cholon, her lover ,and suddenly she wasn't sure of not having loved him with a love she hadn't seen because had lost itself in the story like water in the sand and that she was rediscovering it now in this moment of music flung across the sea .

     看來 她回來之時,就是我開啃杜拉斯之日。。