大獨裁者落難記--The Dictator


6.4 / 335,284人    83分鐘 | 99分鐘 (unrated version)

導演: 賴瑞查爾斯
編劇: 薩夏拜倫柯恩 亞歷柏格
演員: 薩夏拜倫柯恩 安娜法瑞絲 班金斯利


2012-05-26 06:26:58

The dictator: teasing, sarcasm and ridicule

The film got off to the best start possible by dedicating it to a certain someone. The beginning 10 minutes was filled with laughter and even tears as it was so god damn funny. I don't think it was actually possible for the first 10 minutes to be any funnier but unfortunately afterwards it sort of went downhill.

For a light and tongue in cheek go at the Arab leaders this has to raise laughs. Baron Cohen is a clever man and almost too intelligent for the roles he takes. Sometimes he borders on genius and other times it reminded me of childish school jokes. You have to be in the right mood for this level of schoolboy humour or it can grate but I enjoyed the film (most of the time). I don't think it was as funny or outlandish as Borat and I feel there must be a much higher standard of plot and script to come in the future to really bring out Baron Cohen's talent.

The combination between a bad plot and bad jokes sort of made me cringe at times at it was almost verging on desperation. Of course there were some more funny parts but it just didn't continue unlike the beginning of the film.

Some of the jokes were actually bad and stereotypic or childish or overdone or the combination of all of them that it made me laugh but in a bad way.

By the way, just be warned about some of the awful jokes with poor delivery and execution and dodgy editing.   舉報