

2012-05-27 03:21:41



I have the perfect senses now, but I get used to them, take them for granted and do not appreciate them.
In the movie, people lose their senses, first the sense of smell, then taste, hearing, sight, one after another.
During the first half, I believe that at the end, they will figure out how to cure this disease. But when they start to act crazily, I realize that this movie is not about reduce people’s fear when facing disaster, but about being grateful that we have all these senses, and have all those families, friends and all those who care about us, be around us.
Nowadays, with the help of science and technology, people are living a life which is getting more and more convenience. However, people are not getting happier. In the opposite, people are becoming harder to be pleased. We ask for more and complain more.
It is said that kids grow up in big cities think that all the food are produced in places like supermarkets or even fridges. I remember that when I was a kid, I enjoyed playing with mud, stones, grass, flowers, butterflies, ants, buds, or just running around. But look out of the window, there is no kids playing outside. And no matter how hard I try to listen, the sounds of childhood are gone and replaced by the noise made by car or PCs. No twitter of birds but the website named 「twitter」; no laughter around but the music coming from the machine; no breeze any more but the cold or warn air blew by machine. No wonder rumor says that the end of the world is impending, I feel suffering already.
