頂尖對決--The Prestige


8.5 / 1,450,252人    130分鐘

導演: 克里斯多福諾蘭
編劇: 克里斯多福諾蘭
演員: 休傑克曼 克里斯汀貝爾 米高肯恩 史嘉蕾喬韓森 大衛鮑伊 安迪席克斯


2012-05-28 10:14:17

People enjoy being fooled


1.Christopher Nolan is really a great story teller. I like his film "The Dark Night" as well as "Inception".

2. Amazingly, the magician Angier is acted by Hugh Jackman, who played the role of Wolverine in X-Men; Christian Bale, who played the role of Batman in The Dark Night is partnered with Michael Caine in this film again, as magician and his engineer.

3. Caine also played a role in Inception too, it seems that the director loves some particular actors.

4. Christian Bale is cool, quite a different feeling in this film as the dark night, maybe I should make up for other films of him such as the recent The Flowers Of War by Zhang Yimou;

5.So Sarah is played by she, Scarlet Johnson! impressed by her figure as well as acting! Godess definately!

6. still impressed by the castings of this film, David Bowie, a figure in Rock n Roll, played the role of the "keyword"-Tesla!

7. The film reminds me of the David Copperfield magic show that I have seen in 拉斯維加斯, a group of audience, including one of my friend, Jake, was transported away from the stage when sitting on a chair behind the cloth and reappeared down at the audience corridor! When we all want Jake to tell us how the magic is done, he just lauged and said " Guess, it is a secret!"

8. Misunderstandings occur because we contains some jealousy or hatred towards others at the very beginning. Angier envies Borden『s talent, so he would blame him for the mistake and would like to think him as doing that on purpose with evil mind.

9. Don't cross the line of your belief, no matter how obsessed your are with your career or beloved one.

10.People cannot take the changes too fast, that's why the industry can only bring in the new technology to the public in progressive term. It is highly possible real technology is far advanced ten or twenty years ahead of the public awareness of the technology.

11.Women need men to tell them the truth?! Maybe the truth that they would like to know. A promise of love is just that truth.

12. Children always has the instinct to know the truth.
