鋼鐵蒼穹--Iron Sky


5.9 / 96,712人    93分鐘

導演: 提莫沃倫索拉
編劇: 提莫沃倫索拉
演員: 茱莉亞迭澤 克里斯多夫科比 高茲奧圖 烏多基爾 佩塔賽金特


2012-05-31 23:56:45

試譯 Under the Iron Sky

剛看完 Iron Sky ,覺得主題歌特別好聽,非常有末日的蒼涼感,試譯一下自己的版本。

##Under the Iron Sky
>Kaiti Kink*(Finland)*

Now that you have gone away

I feel so cold, why did I stay?

Remember, I'll remember your face so pale

When you left me on that gloomy day.

Time goes by, memories are mine

Still waiting for the moment I'll see you again.

Times are changing, memories are fading

I'm waiting for another chance

To tell you belong to me.

One day

I know we'll meet again

Under the Iron Sky.



Now that you have gone away

I feel so cold, why did I stay?

Remember, I'll remember your face so pale

When you left me on that gloomy day.

Time goes by, memories are mine

Still waiting for the moment I'll see you again.

Times are changing, memories are fading

I'm waiting for another chance

To tell you belong to me.

One day

I know we'll meet again

Under the Iron Sky.
>鋼鐵蒼穹之下。   舉報