美麗人生--Life is Beautiful [1997]


8.6 / 754,746人    116分鐘 | Italy:122分鐘 (first release)

導演: 羅貝托貝里尼
編劇: Vincenzo Cerami and 羅貝托貝里尼
演員: 羅貝托貝里尼 妮珂塔布拉斯奇 Giustino Durano Sergio Bini Bustric


2012-06-10 07:58:24

A heaven in the hell

Watch a movie without any specific purpose,you will find the soul expressed by it~~
I thought this is a boring film I have seen when in senior high school,but when I watched it, it surprised me----totally different!
Well,I am moved by it though the feeling is not so strong...(What happened to me?Maybe the life is so real and cruel that I get numb!I hoped not...)
Sir, you have been a great father,and I think this is the example that should be tought in the primary class. Haha,don't forget to do something when you become the dad,boy~~
And you are great facing even death.No wonder you always smile with the trouble comes out...Are they problems? Of course not~~
And you are brave...maybe too brave----"Princess,can I make love with you?I want you so much that I say it out now!"That is awesome!ha~ And she fell in love wiht you than...haha...
And the princess...and the son of the crazy guy...
And ...
Watch it again when problems come,boy~~