BJ單身日記:男人禍水--Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason


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導演: 比班基德朗
演員: 芮妮齊薇格 賈欣妲貝瑞特 吉姆布洛班特 柯林佛斯 休葛蘭 雪莉韓德森


2012-07-06 06:56:30

We still should go for love, even if we are not perfect yet.

I believe it's a movie worthy of watching twice or more. The British accent lights up the whole movie, except for the accurate and perfect acting of Collin Firth and Renee Zellweger; while, Hugh Grant does not make any breakthough of himself, still the role of playboy as he always was.
I love the role of Mr.Darcey. He is kind of like the dream lover of mine. However, his pursuit for perfection draws the person who loves him crazy. Fortunately, Bridget is a brave girl, who can stick to her belief and pursue her own business no matter what obstacle ahead.
Also, Bridget has a lot of shortcomings, which Darcey may not be able to accept in the begining.
Nobody in this world is perfect. We cannot wait to love until we have made ourselves perfect enough. We have to go for love, even if we are still imperfect. Time does not wait. Chances do not wait for us.