享受吧!一個人的旅行--Eat, Pray, Love


5.8 / 107,977人    133分鐘 | 140分鐘 (director's cut)

導演: 萊恩墨菲
編劇: 萊恩墨菲
演員: 茱莉亞羅勃茲 詹姆斯法蘭科 哈維爾巴登 比利庫達普 理察詹金斯


2012-07-13 07:33:25

In search of balance

In Rome, she eats.
In India, she prays.
In Bali, she loves.

The seeking of balance is the process of self-saving, of collecting up all the scattered parts that could make one complete.

Rome. Italian food and Italian language indulge people with pleasure, le plaisir de la vie. This movie nearly brings back my memory when I was in Rome.It may have a polluted environment, but the beauty is beyond imagination. The statues, the architectures, the ruins, all these make up ROMA, una bella citta. In this age of entertainment, everything could be entertaining or entertained. Nevertheless, pleasure is a luxury that flees away so fast. I hate it when pleasure is spoiled by entertainment. From sensual pleasure to spiritual pleasure, it is already an elevation of soul.

India. Meditation, does it cure? I've done yoga for years. I still enjoy the experience, however, I really do not know if meditation is my theropy. I would rather pray in a quiet catholic church, with sunlignt coming in from the coloured windows, like what I enjoyed doing in Europe.

Bali. Oriental dreamland. As I am born and bred in the far east, I really could not feel the charm of Orient. Maybe so many years later, when I shall be so old, with full of memory, I may be admiring what I am neglecting right now. Or all my life, I belong to somewhere which I am not born to. Who knows?

I wonder what will happen as the film goes on. Will her love in Bali be any different from her love in NYC? I doubt it. At this stage of my life, love is probably the least wanted topic. This doubt comes from myself. Shall I be looking forward to love, even if I know it might disturb my balance?