倒帶人生--Mr. Nobody


7.7 / 246,700人    141分鐘 | Canada:138分鐘 (Toronto International Film Festival) | 157分鐘 (Director's Cut)

導演: 賈柯凡多梅爾
編劇: 賈柯凡多梅爾
演員: 傑瑞德雷托 莎拉波利 黛安克魯格 萊斯伊凡


2012-07-24 19:58:31

About decision

 my understanding:
The old man said, there is no so-called "right" way. Every decision made leads to different path, every turn taken creates a whole new life. Two choices, three paths, three wives, three families, three fates.

At the end of the movie, the little boy went neither with his mother nor with his father. He went to Anne, his true love. Maybe he realized that whatever decisions he'd made, the only important for him was being with his love. So in my understanding, sometimes decisions are not so important. Being alive, with the one you love and things you really cherish, life will be bearable regardless any decision you make.