3D食人魚2:全面獵殺--piranha 3DD


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導演: 約翰古拉傑
編劇: 馬可仕丹斯坦 派崔克梅爾頓
演員: 大衛赫索霍夫 文雷姆斯 卡特莉娜寶登


2012-08-04 07:47:19

usa also publish what a shit movie

I just wanna say what a fuck shitty movie. I should have thought just dash movie come out in China. But now, for this video, just have nude breast, no others. Maybe a excellant start, but a shit middle and especially the ending. I don't understand why takes 10 minutes to show the titbit, no matter the whole time is just one and half an hour. Even showing Hasselhoff as a lightspot for a dracula vedio. just for he is a super star in reality? Very similar with many Chinese ones.