盧安達飯店--Hotel Rwanda


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導演: 泰瑞喬治
編劇: Keir Pearson 泰瑞喬治
演員: Xolani Mali 唐其鐸 Desmond Dube


2012-08-26 07:24:47

Million Voices - Wyclef Jean

盧安達飯店片尾曲Million Voices - Wyclef Jean

Ni ryari izuba, Rizagaruka, Hejuru yacu (非洲土著語)
Nduzaricyeza ricyeza. (非洲土著語)
[When will the sun rise again? ] 〔太陽何時再升起〕
[Who will reveal it "to" us again?] 〔誰再次向我們展現它〕

Rwanda, Rwanda, 盧安達,盧安達
Yeah Rwanda, Rwanda. 啊!盧安達,盧安達

They said: "Many are called and few are chosen," 他們說:「很多被渴求,很少被選擇。」
But I wish some wasn't chosen 但我希望一些永不被選擇
for the blood spilling of Rwanda. 如盧安達的血流成河

They said: "Meshach Eshach and Abednego, 他們說:「米煞 艾薩奇和亞伯尼歌
Thrown in the fire but you never get burned," 從火中走出從不受傷」
but I wish that I didn't get burned in Rwanda 但我希望我不被盧安達的戰火燒傷

They said: "The man is judged according to his works," 他們說:「人因貢獻被辨別。「
so tell me Africa, what is your worth? 告訴我,非洲,你的價值是什麼?
There is no money, no diamonds, no fortunes 這裡沒有錢,沒有鑽石,沒有財富
on this planet that can replace Rwanda? 在這個星球上,它們能取代盧安達?

Rwanda Rwanda 盧安達,盧安達
Yeah, Rwanda Rwanda 啊!盧安達,盧安達
These are the cry of the children 這是孩子的哭泣

Rwanda Rwanda 盧安達,盧安達
Anybody hear my cry? 誰又聽見我的哭泣

If America, is the United States of America, 如果美洲是美利堅合眾國
Then why can't Africa, be the United States of Africa? 為什麼非洲不能是阿非利加合眾國

And if England, is the United Kingdom, 如果英格蘭是聯合王國
Then why can』t Africa unite all the kingdoms 為什麼非洲不能聯合所有部落
and become United Kingdom of Africa? 成為非洲聯合王國

Rwanda Rwanda, Rwanda Rwanda 盧安達,盧安達,盧安達盧安達

These are the cries of the children, yeah 這是孩子的哭泣,啊!

Can anybody out there hear our cries? 這裡以外誰又能聽見這哭泣?

Yeah, heavens cry ... Jesus cry. 啊!天堂哭泣,基督哭泣

Lord, did you hear us calling you? 主啊!你可曾聽見我們呼喚你?
Yeah, Rwanda Rwanda 啊!盧安達盧安達

Lord, did you hear us calling? 主啊!你可曾聽見我們呼喚?
Can you do something in Rwanda? 你能否幫助盧安達?

Rwanda Rwanda, Rwanda Rwanda 盧安達盧安達

I'm talking about Jesus; talking about 我在談論基督,我在談論
Rwanda Rwanda Rwanda 盧安達盧安達

Talking about ?talking about ... 談論?談論。。
Talking about ?talking about ... 談論?談論。。

I wanna play my guitar for Rwanda.... 我想為盧安達彈我的吉他
