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導演: 賴瑞查爾斯
編劇: 薩夏拜倫柯恩 丹梅澤
演員: 薩夏拜倫柯恩 Richard Bey Ron Paul


2012-08-28 14:50:46

The majority of 'Bruno' was not staged

At first I was just going to add this as a post in my other thread about Bruno, but since I knew it would be so long I decided to make it a new thread. This post is sort of a response to matt swinburne.

According to Sacha Baron Cohen and director Larry Charles the majority of 'Bruno' was not staged. It was almost like they were on a mission to insist that the majority of these things were real, because they really described each scene in depth (much more depth than I am about to write in this thread because it's just too long). I am sure some of you are thinking "well they are lying". If they are lying, I am sure that their lies will come out some way or another considering how many people were involved in this movie. If these supposed lies would eventually coe out, I see no reason for them to lie in the first place. But until those 'lies' come out, let's go scene by scene and see what they said was real and what was fake.

During the tv show in Berlin at the opening of the movie, the audience thought everything was real. They thought Bruno was a real person,etc. Several people were interviewed during that show, but only one was shown (a supermodel) in the movie. All of them were real.

Kunal Nayyer (designer) was the real deal. Sacha described him as the real Indian Bruno.

Heather Hahn (supermodel) was 100% real. Sacha said that the interview he had with her was so ridiculous and amazing that nobody believed it was real. But it was!

The Outdoor Fashion Show scene was completely real. Sacha's camera crew got attacked by the fashion show camera crew because they kept accidentally bumping into them.

Filipa Bleck (booker, elite models) was not staged.

The velcro suit scene was real. When Bruno started causing a ruckus they were all escorted out by security. Sometime during this scene Sacha was recognized, and word got around that he was shooting a movie and trying to disrupt the fashion show. They were then blacklisted pretty much, and not allowed anywhere around the show. Sacha and his whole crew had to change their physical appearance inorder to get back in the show unnoticed. Sacha snuck in dressed as an Italian cameraman and made it to a changing room where his crew dressed up up as Bruno again so they could continue the scene.

The runway walk was real. Police arrested Sacha after he walked 20 feet. He was taken to a police station and interrogated. He had to explain everything he was doing. The police made him strip down naked so they could do a search.

Lloyd 羅賓森 (suite management and agent) was 110% real. He did not realize that he was being fooled for an entire year of dealing with Bruno. He found out it was all a joke when he saw Bruno landing on Eminem at the MTV music awards.

On the set of 'Medium'. This was a real scene being shot. All of the actors and extras in this scene were real. The actors actually got very angry at Sacha behind the scenes for messing up the shooting. STAGED PART: The only people who were in on this was the network (NBC), because they needed permission from NBC to do this or they may have gotten in serious trouble.

The lady at Pink Cheeks (who actually ran the place), Anal Bleeching Salon was very real.

The Latino gardeners used as human chairs were obviously staged, but it did not take anything away from the scenes as they were just part of the pranksters like Sacha himself. They didn't say a word of dialogue and it was funny to see how Paula Abdul reacted to them.

Paula Abdul was completely oblivious to what was going on from start to finish.

丹尼 Bond (network producer, cbs), real.

The A-list Celebrity Max-Out pilot scene was real. The focus group was real.

Brittny Gastineau (former reality show star) was real. And again, she was another example of someone who was so ridiculous that it is easy to think she was not real, but she was.

The short (and by short I mean it was a 2 second scene, if that) Harrion Ford scene was one of the few in the movie that was completely staged.

FUN FACT: That was not Sacha Baron Cohen's penis in the movie. It was an anonymous model's penis.

The scene with Ron Paul was very real. They originally filmed several politicians including Gary Bower and Tom Ridge too. But they only used Ron Paul's footage in the film. Ron Paul threatened Bruno and his crew after the altercation. He told them to get out of 華盛頓 or he's going to stop you guys. And that's exactly what they had to do. They sped to the airport at 80mph and took a flight out of DC as soon as they could.

The psychic, Gary 威廉斯 was real. They did a lot of crazy footage with him that was not shown in the actual film.

The Nicole and Suzanne Defosset scene was real. These disturbing twin sisters were so outragious that Sacha said it was the only time where he almost cracked up and ruined a scene in the film.

The scenes from the Middle East were all real. Sacha was warned by the locals not to wear anything offensive in this one particular area. They warned him that they would stone people for simply wearing a T-shirt in that area. But Sacha being Sacha (gotta admire the dude) did it anyway. Low and behold he was chased by crazy Hasat extremists all the way to his getaway car. Sacha said it was the first time he really feared for his life while shooting, and also the first time he dropped character during shooting.

Yassi Alpher and Ghassan Khatib = real

Avraham Sela and Ghassan Khatib meeting = real

Ayman Abu Aita (terrorist group leader al-aqsa martyrs brigade) = real. And I can't believe he pulled that one off.

The scene where Bruno pulled his baby "OJ" out of the box was not staged. The people walking around were all real.

Maybe the most notorious and favorite scene of many.... the scene where Bruno interviews parents to get their children famous was all real.

In the talk show scene, the black audience was real, and the host of the show was real. STAGED: The only person in this scene who was not real was Shatanya Meagans, the lady who took the baby away at the very end of the scene.

The diner in 堪薩斯, the waitresses.. 100% real.

The dildo scene was real. The hotel security called police on Bruno and his lover. They had to escape hrough the fire escape on the 23rd floor before the police got there. STAGED: There were however some background people there whose purpose was to prevent Sacha from being arrested in America, just in case things got out of hand.

The God Hates Fags Anti-Gay Activist Group was real. Gay hating is very popular in 堪薩斯, and this scene was a prime example of it. Police were circling the streets looking for Bruno during this scene, they knew he was aound, but they didn't find him.

The scene right after that in the bus in 堪薩斯 was real, with a real police officer.

Pastor Jody Trautwein (gay converter) was very very real.

Danny Shirley (martial arts master) in one of the most hilarious scenes in the entire movie was in fact a real person oblivious to the situation.

NOT STAGED:At Fort McClellan Army National Guard Training Center in 阿拉巴馬, the two officers were real and thought Bruno was a real person! The only people who knew he was Sacha Baren Cohen was some of the soldiers, but they did not say anything, because they were not allowed to talk.

The redneck hunters scene was very real, and also very scary. When they heard that Bruno was gay, they loaded their rifles and would not let go of them while he was around walking with them.

Dr Paul Cameron (second stage gay converter) was a real mother fucker.

The Singers Party scene was not staged. The pornstar in this scene who tried to seduce Bruno was real, however she WAS offered money by the crew if she had sex with Bruno. So in a sense she was seducing him for money, and therefore 'acting'. But she did not know what was going on or who Bruno was. This pornstar was in to dominatrix and literally broke Sacha's thumb (can breaking someone's thumb be staged? Not in civilized countries) and left several bruises on his body while trying to force him to have sex. Sacha said he was terrified.

Arkansas Cage Fight. Yes, Sacha's crew did have T-shirts thrown to the crowd. Yes, they did have some chairs sort of nailed to the floor so they couldn't be removed in case someone wanted to pick one up to attack Bruno. But as for the rednecks in the crowd, they were all real genuine rednecks, and did not know what was going to happen. The local security of the place knew about it (but they weren't in the scene), because they had to protect Bruno in case anything bad happened.

Ronald Beams (minister) one hundred and one percent real.

In closing I would like to say that I believe 'Bruno' was no less real than any other project that Sacha Baren Cohen has done. I do believe that the majority of it was not staged. Everything in this post is based on the words of Sacha himself and director Larry Charles. Like I said before, if they are lying, people will start coming out to debunk them. And when that happens I will gladly say I was wrong, but until then I'm going to change my score of this movie to an 8.4/10. Peace.
