

2012-09-10 06:45:20

Seize the Day



Listen, Neil, I mean, I appreciate this concern, but I'm not like you, all right? You say things and people listen, I'm not like that.
Don't you think you could be?
No, I don't know, but that's not the point, the point is, there's nothing you can do about it, so you can just butt out.

Mr 安德生 thinks everything inside of him is worthless and embarrassing. Isn't that right, Todd? Isn't that your worst fear? Well, I think you're wrong. I think you have something inside of you that is worth a great deal.

"I sound my barbaric YAWP over the rooftops of the world."
You see, you have a barbarian in you after all.
What does he remind you of? Don't think, answer,
A madman.
What kind of madman? Don't think about it, just answer.
A crazy madman.
No, you can do better than that.
Free up your mind. Use your imagination. Say the first thing popos into your head, even if it's total gibberish(胡言亂語).
A sweaty toothed madman. 令人齒冷的瘋子
Good, boy, there's a poet in you after all. There, close your eyes.
Now, describe what you see.
His image floats beside me. A sweaty toothed madman with a stare that pounds my brain.
Oh, that's excellent! Now give him action, make him do something.
His hands reach out and choke me.
That's it. Wonderful, wonderful.
And all the time he;s mumbling. mumbling truth. Truth is like a blanket that always leaves your feet cold.
Stay with the blanket.
You push it, stretch it, it'll never be enough.You kick it, beat it, it'll never cover any of us. From the moment we enter crying to the memento we leave dying, it just cover your face, as you wail() and cry and scream.
Don't forget this!

I can't take it any more. If I don't have Chris, I'm gonna kill myself.
Calm down.
That's just my problem, I've been calm all my life. I'm gonna do something about that. I'm gonna call her.
She's gonna hate me, The Danburrys will hate me, my parents will kill me, all right, God dam it. You are right, seize the day, even they will kill me.
Can you believe it? She was gonna call me, invited me to a party with her.
Well, so you don't really think she means you'er going with her?
Oh, of course not, but that's not the point. The point is that she was thinking about me, I've only met her once, and already she's thinking about me. Damn it, it's gonna happen, guys, I feel it.

Because we are food for worms, lads.
Because, believe it or not, each and every one of us in this room is one day going to stop breathing, turn cold and die.
peruse some of the faces from the past.
You've walked past them many times,
I don't think you've really looked at them.
They're not that different from you, are they?
Same haircuts, full of hormones, just like you.
Invincible, just like you feel.The world is their oyster.
They believe they're destined for great things.
Their eyes are full of hope, just like you.
Did they wait until it was too late to make from their lives even one iota of what they ere capable.
Because, you see, gentlemen,these boys are now ferilizing daffodils.
But if you listen real close, you can hear them whisper their legacy to you.

Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.

We don't read and write poetry because it's cute
We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race.
And the human race is filled with passion
Medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life.
But poetry, beaty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.

That life exists and identity.
That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse.

阿提斯ts, freethinkers, realists, romantics.
藝術家, 自由思想者, 現實主義者,浪漫主義
"Show me the heart unfettered by foolish dreams, and I'll show you a happy man."
But only in dream can men be truely free. That was always thus, and always thus will be.

We didn't just read poetry, we let it drip from our tongues, like honey, spirits soared, women swooned, and Gods were created, gentlemen.Not a bad way to spend an evening, eh?


I stand upon my desk to remind myself that we must constantly look at things in a different way. Just when you think you know something, you have to look at it in another way. Even though it may seem silly or wrong. When you read, don't just consider what the author thinks, consider what you think.

Being in the club means being stirred up by things.
You look about as stirred up as a cesspool

To the Virgins to Make Much of Time
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old time is still a flying.
And this same flower that smiles today.
Tomorrow will die.
