留命查看--Detention [2011]


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導演: 喬瑟夫坎恩
編劇: 喬瑟夫坎恩 Mark Palermo
演員: Jesse Heiman 喬許哈契遜 丹恩庫克 絲賓瑟洛克


2012-09-11 05:12:39

影評 + 影片提及或是模仿了的著名影片(不完整列表)

海外網友提供的內容,因為沒有提及到1985年的經典校園片《The Breakfast Club》"早餐俱樂部",所以個人認為這個列表也並不完整。
而豆友提及的《Real Steel》"鐵甲鋼拳" 是2011年9月發行的,Detention是2011年4月最早公映的,或許導演看過Real Steel的預告片???當然《Freaky Friday》的母女換身片段是很明確的。

《The Breakfast Club 早餐俱樂部》片段,幾名學生被關在高中學校圖書館的場景里,校長Verge走進了,要求學生找出嫌疑犯,在這之前不能離開... ...,剩下就是學生之間的討論...

順便品論影片,它的類型跨越了多種類型,就與它所引用的經典影片片段一樣,恐怖,青春,喜劇,動作,懸疑等... 看似亂七八糟,但全片也能自圓其說的成為完整的故事,也是相當的精彩。而從內容上看,涉及的話題(即使只是隻字片語)還是有很多值得觀眾思考的(比如校長投票給總統候選人麥凱恩;歐巴馬和OJ.辛普森;女主在校園裡的青春期煩惱等)。影片雖然天馬行空,看似飄渺,但卻有很多小細節是透著靈氣,等著觀眾去發掘(例:視訊套視訊里出現了色情男星Ron Jeremy的身影...)。對於非英語為母語的觀眾而言,字幕翻譯會折損掉不少精妙內容,而對於這部影片,因翻譯所損失的內容將超過30%(文化背景不同而錯失的...)。


Carrie (1976)
The name of the psychotic jock is 比利 Nolan, which was also the name of Nancy Allen's psycho boyfriend in Carrie.

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) (星際迷航2)
比利(真兇) talks about Wrath of Khan and slugs in a star trek uniform

The Karate Kid (1984) ("空手道少年" / "小子難纏")
Lone says "Clapton your my 洛夫 Macchio, do the crane thing(鶴拳獨特的單腿站立動作)."

Back to the Future (1985) (回到未來)
Poster seen, Teacher is talking about flux Capacitor and 1.21 gig watts on chalkboard.

Dirty Dancing (1987) (辣身舞)
Clapton references Patrick Swayze and does a few moves

Road House (1989)
Clapton makes a number of references to Patrick Swayze, the way he driesses to the way he fights

The 辛普森s (1989) (TV Series) (辛普森一家)
Lone says "Eat my shorts jerk." Bart 辛普森 used to say "eat my shorts"

Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991) (俠盜羅賓漢)
Mentioned by Sloan

Under Siege (1992) (潛龍轟天)
mentioned by Sander

My So-Called Life (1994) (TV Series)(電視劇:我的青春期/我所謂的生活)
Riley dresses up as Angela Chase (Claire Danes)

Scream (1996) (驚聲尖叫)
References to Scream, after Riley is attacked and falls in pool, talking to police. Neve Campbell and talks about Scream

Volcano (1997) (活火熔城/地火危城)
mentioned by Ione

Star Trek: Insurrection (1998) (星際迷航)
比利 says he is wearing a LeVar Burton pinky ring

The Matrix (1999) (駭客帝國)
比利 taking to young Verge in 1992, saying he comes from a future where machines have taking over and are using humans for power

Torque (2004) (極速酷客) (注:本片導演在04年的作品,被提及)
A character mentions that Clapton and Ione "makes as much sense as that stupid movie Torque". Torque was directed by Joseph Kahn, who also directed this film.

Indiana 瓊斯 and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) (奪寶奇兵4)
Cop says to Riley "you really nuked the fridge with that one." The term comes from the film Indiana 瓊斯 and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, in which, near the start of the movie, 哈里斯on Ford's character survives a nuclear detonation by climbing into a kitchen fridge,

Hotel for Dogs (2009) (流浪狗之家/狗狗旅館)
Sander says that this movie is on cable after the food fight at the bowling alley

Avatar (2009) (阿凡達)
Talking about Avatar while bowling
Featured in
The Tonight Show with Jay Leno: Episode #20.123 (2012) (TV Episode)
Josh Hutcherson introduces a clip from his film

The Fly (1986) (變蠅人/蒼蠅)
比利 claims to have fly blood in him and his vomit is acidic

Edward Scissorhands (1990) (剪刀手愛德華)
When 比利 is shown with a tv on his hand, everyone calls him "TV-hands" and the music is similar to the "Edward Scissorhands" theme
