變腦--Being John Malkovich


7.7 / 353,933人    112分鐘

導演: 史派克瓊斯
編劇: 查理考夫曼
演員: 約翰庫薩克 卡麥蓉狄亞 Ned Bellamy Eric Weinstein Madison Lanc


2012-09-14 02:01:30

Being John Malkovich 的劇情片段

Maxine Lund:"The thing is ,the way that I see it ,is ,I think the world is divided into those who go after what they wantand then those who don't,right?Riht. The passionate ones--the ones who go afterwhat they want--well,they may not getwhat they want,but at least they remain vital.So when they lie on their death beds,they have few regrets.And the ones who don't goafter what they want...well ,who gives a shit about them anyway? "

Craig Schwartz and Lotte Schwartz kissed her together.Then

Maxine Lund said to Craig:"I don't find you attractive "turn around then said to Lotte:"And,Lotte....I'm smitten with you.Chuckles I am,but only when you're in Malkovich.When I looked into his eyes last night,I could feel you peering out."
Maxine lund:"Behind the stubble and the too prominentbrow and the male-patterm baldness...I sensed your feminine looging.And it just slew me."
Craig:"Oh,my God!"