金法尤物--Legally Blonde


6.5 / 254,720人    96分鐘

導演: 羅伯路克提
編劇: Amanda Brown 凱倫麥可庫蘭路兹
演員: 瑞絲薇斯朋 路克威爾遜 莎瑪布萊兒 馬修戴維斯


2012-09-26 00:45:35

try ur best to show other people how excellent u r

    sometimes we really have to show other people how excellent we are becouse if u don't do it,people around u will never know what u r capable of doing.from where I stand,I just think we all have the ability to do something that we want to do only if we are truely realized how important for us.maybe the aim that u make seems not that easy,but when you try ur almost to do it and to achive it,then it will become not that difficult.believe it or not,when I was in high school,almost every teacher did't like me just becouse they thought I am student who never study and just play around everyday.however,one day,finally,I started to strive to study,and of course,I made a incredible progress in my study and let the teachers who underestimate knew that I can do it just like some other students who was considered smart and good at learning.when I gratuaded from high school,I was number 1 in the college entrence exams even though just in my school which is not so good.
      when u get succeded,u will feel how people around u look up to u and respect u. it will makes feel amazing to be successful,so just do everything that u think meaningful and make it as perfect as possible.no matter how tought it is,just don't give that easyly and finally u will get what u really want.