

2012-11-05 01:02:09

romantic heart to see the realistic world


I have never tried to write an essay in english to talk what I want to say. I always use the stupid and shallow words in the exam or writing class. After watching the movie 'dead poems society',I was really shocked and moved. There are so many common people in the world ,just like us.We do what parents told us,what teachers told us and what most people do. Actually, most of us want to be someone extraordinary in our deep heart, but we choose to obey----obey the rule ,obey the road seemed to be easy and normal. We do not want to be thought of a strange or unpractical guy.Then, more and more people walk on the same road and live the colorless and dull life.
Maybe I should thank for the teacher in this movie----Mr. Keating. He let the students think in their own thoughts.He told students to think about the romantics,the love,the beauty, even some simple things like cat or sunshine.He insired them to do what they want no matter others allow or not.I think it is the correct teaching way. In the movie, one student said that it was Mr. Keating who encouraged them to bulid the dead poems society and led Neil to death. That is really ridiculous.
It is the romantic element in their heart that inspired them to build the society,to read and write poems.It is the realistic and wrong teaching way of Neil's parents that made their son die.
the world is sooooo realistic.Why can't we cherish the romantic things and do what we like in such a short life. I don't know why nowaday's people always say that 'you are so innocent' or 'it is unrealistic', why there are so many regulations,rules,the so-called corret way?
Actually,we have the romanticism inside.We have the dreams. We know what life we want.
We just can't dare to try, iust afraid of the results or other's thoughts.
    I knew that I was the same as most people. In my past 20 years, I did what others did. I went to the primary school,the high school, attended the entrance exam of university and went to the college .Several years later,I probably work in a company that I don't like ,get married ,have a kid and live the rest of my life.It is so normal and realistic. I think I need to try and realize my dream. I do not say living crazily. Living simply and insipidly may also be a good lifestyle. I just want to say we need a romantic heart to see the world, and you will see the world is beautiful.
