

2012-11-13 20:09:30


高校男生 The History Boys 中英文劇本

The peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds

in the knowledge and love of God and of His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord,

and the blessing of God Almighty.

The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit

be upon you and remain with you, this day and always. Amen.
將護佑你並永遠陪伴你 阿們

( "Blue Monday" by New Order)

- 祈禱會有用嗎? - 馬上就知道了
Will that do the trick, do you think?

We're about to find out.



- Ready? - Ready.

媽,拜託 兄弟們等一下
Mum, please. Lads, wait.

你們先上車 我五分鐘就回來
Just get in the car. I'll be back in five minutes.

Let's get it over with.

(shouting) Fiona, Fiona!

Read out from the top. Fiona, just read it out. Let's see.
從第一個開始念 費奧娜,唸出來,快看看

Three A's! I got three A's! Three A's!

- 克里斯,你拿什麼分數? - 大滿貫
- Chris, what did you get, man? - Full house!

Three A's! Three A's! (laughs)

- 我就知道你行的 - 是大滿貫
- Told you you would. - Full house!

- Hey, what did you get? - Er, A and two B's.
- 你成績如何? - 1A加兩個B

- 達肯來了 - 好小子
- Hey, it's Dakin. - Stuuuuhoooo...

Stu, what happened?

- 不去看看成績嗎? - 我昨晚就知道了
- Are you not gonna look? - I got mine last night.

- 我猜也是 - 走運的小子
- I bet you did. - (laughs) You jammy sod.

- 洛克伍德 - 菲力克斯
- Lockwood. - Felix.

- 洛克伍德 - 校長
- Lockwood. - Sir.

Why are you dressed as a milkman?

- 是工作,校長,假期打工 - 送牛奶?
- Working, sir. For the 'olidays. - As a milkman?

假期結束後你們就得回來 為牛津和劍橋大夢而奮鬥
After the holidays you'll be coming back to try for Oxford and Cambridge.

你們是有史以來成績最好的學生 老師希望你們進一步學習
Your A-level results are the best we've ever had,

and they demand that you return for an extra term

to work for the examination to our ancient universities.

One more term, boys. One more push.

In the meantime, try and do something... fitting.

- 我在書店,校長 - 很好
- I'm in a bookshop, sir. - Good, good.

- 我當清潔工 - 我去當保鑣看場子
- I'm on the bins. - I'm a bouncer, sir.

- 我去顧廁所 - 當舞男
- Lavatory attendant, sir. - Gigolo.

- 恭喜你們,小伙子 - 林托特老師
- Congratulations, boys. - Mrs. Lintott!

(shouts) Three A's! Three A's!

(cheering and yelling)

- 那麼我們還得再見面了? - 是,老師
So, we shall be meeting again after all.

- (all) Yes, sir. - At school you don't get parole.

學海無涯 學得越好就待得越久

Good behavior just brings a longer sentence.

- Ah, you poor boys. - See you next term, sir.

- 可憐哪 - 老師,下學期見

(buzz of conversation)

Thank you, Miss.

「最開心的年輕之心 眼見自己不斷進步」
"The happiest youth, viewing his progress through,

What perils past, what crosses to ensue,

「是闔上書本 坐下來安然逝去」
Would shut the book and sit him down and die."

恭喜你,桃樂絲 你一定很滿意吧
Congratulations, Dorothy. You must be very pleased.

( "This Charming Man" by The 史密斯s)



達肯,給你們五分鐘 去沾沾自喜吧
(Mrs. Lintott) You are entitled, though only for five minutes, Dakin,

to feel pleased with yourselves.

沒有人有過這麼好的成績 無論是英語或是科學
No one has done as well. Not in English, not in science,

not even, dare I say it, in media studies.

And you alone are up for Oxford and Cambridge.

開始讀書吧,這學期第一篇 文章題目是宗教改革運動
So, to work. First essay this term will be the Church on the eve of the Reformation.

- (groans) Not again, Miss. - This is Oxford and Cambridge.

- 別這樣,老師 - 現在是為了牛津和劍橋

你們不只是要知道,還得 倒背如流,提姆斯,注重事實
You don't just need to know it, you need to know it backwards, Timms. Facts, facts, facts.

They're clever, but they're crass.

要是考布里斯托或約克 我一點都不擔心
And were it Bristol or York, I'd have no worries.

But Oxford and Cambridge?

我們需要訂定策略,桃樂絲 要有個計畫
We need a strategy, Dorothy, a game plan.

- 他們知道自己該學些什麼 - 但他們缺少鑑賞力
- They know their stuff. - But they lack flair.

Culture they can get from Hector.

History from you, but...

I'm thinking aloud now.

Is there something else?

Think charm, think polish.

Think... Renaissance man.

Leave it with me, Dorothy, leave it with me.

Yes, Headmaster.



Ah, yes. An innovation to the timetable.

- PE. - Yes, Headmaster.
- 體育課 - 是的,校長

For the Oxbridge set. "Surely not", you say. But why not?
為了劍橋牛津班 你說不用,但為什麼不呢?

這是他們生命中最艱難的考驗 我希望他們個個生龍活虎
This is the biggest hurdle of their lives and I want them... galvanized.

Galvanized. Yes, Headmaster.

在課程表中 我們敬重的校長
In the timetable, our esteemed headmaster

給這堂課起了 「綜合研究」這曖昧的名字
has given these periods the dubious title of "general studies".

I will let you into a little secret, boys.

There is no such thing as general studies.

General studies is a waste of time.

知識馬虎不得 那是非常細緻的
Knowledge is not general, it is specific.

And nothing to do with getting on.

但是記住 「所有知識都是寶貴的
But remember, open quotation marks, "All knowledge is precious

whether or not it serves the slightest human use", close quotation marks.

這話是誰說的? 阿卡特?提姆斯?
Who said, Akhtar? Timms?

Lockwood, Dakin? (sighs)

"Loveliest of trees, the cherry now..."

- 是霍斯曼 - 正是霍斯曼
- A Housman, sir. - "AE Housman, sir."

Wasn't he a nancy, sir?

污穢、骯髒、卑鄙、小蕩婦 不要用這些字眼
Foul, festering, grubby-minded little trollop.

- Do not use that word. - But you use it, sir.

- 但老師你也用了 - 沒錯,但我已經是個糟老頭了

I do, sir, I know. But I am far gone in age and decrepitude.

Er, you're not supposed to hit us, sir. We could report you.
你可不能打學生,老師 我們可以告狀的

I know, I know.

給我們一些尊重 現在的我們是獎學金候選人呢
You should treat us with more respect. We're scholarship candidates now, sir.

- 要上牛津和劍橋的咧 - 為什麼要上呢?
- We're all going in for Oxford and Cambridge. - Oxford and Cambridge! What for?

- 老問題了,老師,問都不用問 - 不,是因為大家都想去
Old, sir. Tried and tested.

No! It's because other boys want to go there.

It's the hot ticket, standing room only.

- 你念哪裡的,老師? - 雪菲爾大學
- Where did you go, sir? - I went to Sheffield.

- I was happy! - (sniggering)

「歡樂就在英格蘭 讓她樸實的女兒們更甜美」
"Happy is England, sweet her artless daughters;

Enough her simple loveliness for me." Keats.
「讓她對我簡單的愛更加充實」 出自詩人濟慈

We won't be examined on that, will we, sir?

- 濟慈? - 歡樂
- Keats? - Happiness.

(approaching footsteps)

- 你是? - 爾文
- You are? - Irwin.

- Irwin? - The temporary contract teacher.


Quite so.

考試會在學期末 我們最多有三個月的時間
The examinations are at the end of term,

which gives us, er... three months, at the outside.

- 你待過劍橋,該知道這些的 - 是牛津,基督學院
- You were at Cambridge. You know the form. - Oxford. Jesus.

You see... I-I thought of going.

But this was the... the '50s.

Change was in the air, and a spirit of adventure.

So, where did you go?

I was a geographer. I went to Hull.

他們都是些很有希望的年輕人 充滿了激情
They're a likely lot, the boys. Erm, erm...

All keen. One oddity - Rudge.


Determined to try for Oxford. Christ Church, of all places.

但沒什麼希望 拉夫堡大學倒是有可能
(laughs) No hope. No.

Might get into Loughborough, in a bad year. (laughs)

Er... otherwise, all bright.

But they need polish.

Edge. Your job.


We're low in the league.
我們學校評價不高,我期待進入 曼徹斯特文法學校之流

I want to see us up there with Manchester Grammar School, Haberdasher Askes,


Leighton Park.

Or is that an open prison?

No matter.

There is a vacancy, in history.

That's very true.

In the school.

- Ah. - (both laugh nervously)

Get me scholarships, Irwin.

Pull us up the table and it's yours.

I-I'm corseted by the curriculum.

But I can find you, er... three lessons a week.

- 還不夠 - 我同意
- Not enough. - (stammers) Yes, I agree. However...

不過我知道應該還能 再挪出一小時

I think I know where we can filch an hour.

 Elle 閏oute la java

 Mais elle ne la danse pas

 Elle ne regarde m阭e pas la piste

 Mais ses yeux amoureux

 Suivent le jeu nerveux et les doigts secs et longs de l'artiste

 莂 lui rentre dans la peau

 Par le bas, par le haut

 Elle a envie de chanter C'est physique

 Tout son 阾re est tendu

 Son souffl?est suspendu

 C'est une vraie tordue de la musique


O?voudriez-vous travailler cet apr鑣-midi?


Je voudrais travailler dans une maison de passe.

-呵呵!瞧瞧! -這是什麼呀

- Oh l?l? - Qu'est-ce que c'est?

- A brothel. - Ah!

He'd like to work in a brothel.

很好 我們開始

Tr鑣 bien.


Mais une maison de passe

每個顧客都要使用假設句 和條件句說話造句

o?tous les clients utilizent le subjonctif ou le conditionnel.


- (all sigh) - Bien.

-是的 先生 -好的

- D'accord, monsieur. - Voil?


- (knocking) - Voil?


D閖?un client.

你好 先生 好啊 親愛的
- Bonjour, monsieur. - (gruff voice) Bonjour, ch閞ie.

請進 看這就是給你準備的床

Entrez, s'il vous pla顃. Voil?votre lit.

-這就是給您服務的小姐 -哦 哈哈
- Et voici votre prostitu閒. - Oh l?l?


Je veux m'閠endre sur le lit.

這裡應該用條件句je voudrais 「我想在床上伸展四肢」

Je voudrais. "I would like to stretch out on the bed,"

in the conditional or the subjunctive.

繼續吧 孩子們

Continuez, mes enfants.

請不要穿鞋上床 先生

Mais les chaussures, monsieur. Pas sur le lit.

哦 對不起 小姐 對不起

Oh! Excusez-moi, mademoiselle, excusez-moi.

還有你的褲子 先生
- Et votre pantalon, s'il vous pla顃. - (all moan)

- Come on! Sir... - Sir! Sir!

哦 多漂亮的腿啊
Oh! Quelles belles jambes!


Et maintenant- Claudine.

是的 請吧 小姐

Oui. La prostitu閒, s'il vous pla顃.

- (giggles) - (whistling)

給多少錢啊? 10法郎
- (high-pitched) A quel prix? - Dix francs.

10法郎 用10法郎 我就給你看看我那美麗的胸部…

Dix francs. Pour dix francs, je peux vous montrer ma prodigieuse poitrine.

不 不 不…
(Timms) Ah, non, non, non...

啊 又有客人來了

- Un autre client. - (all gasp)

啊 親愛的校長先生

Ah! Cher monsieur le directeur.

赫克托老師 你們到底在幹什麼?
Mr. Hector, what on earth is happening?

不 不 這裡禁止說英語 在這我們只說法語

L'anglais c'est interdit. Ici, on ne parle que fran鏰is.

我們正在做重要的假設句 和條件句 句型練習

En accordant une importance particuli鑢e au subjonctif.

Oh... Erm...

哦 這裡發生了什麼事情?
Qu'est-ce qui s'est pass?ici?

Pourquoi ce gar鏾n... Er... Dakin, isn't it?
(法語) 為什麼這個男孩 是叫達肯吧?

你的褲子呢? 有人能給他解釋嗎?
...est sans... er... trousers?

Ah! Erm... Quelqu'un?

哦 大家不要害羞嘛
Oh! Ne sois pas timide.

對我們親愛的校長 說說我們做了些什麼

Dites ?cher monsieur le directeur ce que nous faisons.

我演一個男人 他… 你不僅僅是演一個男人
- Je suis un homme qui... - Vous n'阾es pas un homme!

你是一個士兵 一個受傷的士兵

Vous 阾es un soldat. Un soldat bless?

親愛的校長 您明白嗎?

Vous comprenez, cher monsieur le directeur?

- Soldat bless? - Wounded soldier, of course.
-受傷的士兵 -原來是傷兵,當然了

Ici, c'est un h魀ital en Belgique.


Belgique? Pourquoi Belgique?

-在Ypres -在Ypres?
- ?Ypres. - Ypres?

-Ypres -Ypres?

- Ypres. - Ypres?


Pendant la guerre mondiale num閞o un.

-Ypres -是的

- Ypres. - C'est 鏰!


Dakin est un soldat bless?


Un mutil?de guerre.


Et les autres sont des m閐ecins, infirmi鑢es,

所有在這大房子裡的人 都是治療和被治療的人

et tout le personnel d'un grand 閠ablissement m閐ical et th閞apeutique.

繼續吧 我的孩子們

Continuez, mes enfants.


Il appelle sa m鑢e.

爸爸啊 爸爸

Mon p鑢e! Mon p鑢e!


Il appelle son p鑢e!

他為了分散注意力 他為了分散注意力
Il est distrait, il est distrait.


Il est commotionn? peut-阾re.



(法語) 他中彈,可能精神受刺激了
Commotionn? Shell-shocked.

是的 這個詞用的很準確
C'est possible. Commotionn? Oui, c'est le mot juste.

請允許我介紹一下爾文先生 我們新來的老師
Permettez-moi d'introduire Monsieur Irwin, notre nouveau professeur.

- Enchant? - Enough of this silliness! No, not silliness!
夠了,別說愚蠢的外國話 不是說你們

- 這些學生是要上牛津劍橋的 - 沒人告訴我
Mr. Hector, you are aware these pupils are Oxbridge candidates?

Nobody's told me.

Mr. Irwin will be coaching them, but it's a question of time.
爾文會為他們授課 但是時間太少了

我替他安排一週上三節課 可是我想…只是暫時的
I've found him three lessons a week, but I was wondering... Purely on a temporary basis.

- 這是最後一次 - 上次你也說是最後一次
- The last time, I promise. - Last time was the last time.

- I'm thinking of the boys. - I am, too. No, absolutely not. No. No, no, no.
- 我在為這些小伙子著想 - 我也是,我不答應

沒得商量,那麼 對不起…

C'est hors de question, et puis, si vous voulez m'excuser,

我要繼續上我的課了 一會見

je dois continuer ma le鏾n. ?tout ?l'heure.

- (bell rings) - Fuck.

(all laugh)

It's true, though, sir. We don't have much time.

We don't even have to do French.

Now, who goes home?

Well, surely I can give somebody a lift.

- 誰要坐后座?達肯? - 不,我要到市區去
- Who's on pillion duty? Dakin? - Not me, sir. I'm going into town.

- 克勞瑟? - 我要去跑步,老師
- Crowther? - I'm off for a run, sir.

- 阿卡特? - 我要去電腦社團,老師
- Akhtar? - Er... computer club, sir.

- Ah. - I'll come, sir.

- 我跟你走,老師 - 不,不行

Oh, no, never mind.

- 我來,老師 - 斯科普
I'll come, sir.

Ah! Scripps.

The things I do for Jesus.

- 永遠都輪不到我 - 你年紀太小了
- It's never me. - You're too young still.

總會有那一天 至少你已經成熟了
It will happen. Now that you've achieved puberty.

If rather late in the day.

Mr. Hector is likely, at some point, to try and put his hand on your knee.

This is because Mr. Hector is a homosexual and a sad fuck.

The drill is to look at the hand and go, "And what does Mr. Hector want?"
考驗就是看著他的手想答案 「赫克托想做什麼」

可是沒有答案 事情就是這樣
Well, he has no answer for this and so will desist.

Thrutch up.

- I just think I should have been told. - He comes highly recommended.
- 應該有人先告訴我 - 他有人大力推薦

- 克利夫斯的安妮也是 - 誰?
- So did Anne of Cleves. - Who?

- 他跟得上時代,能因應現在 - 我以為歷史是「過去」吧
He's up to the minute, Dorothy, more "now".

Now? I thought history was "then".


克利夫斯的安妮 她是什麼人?
Anne of Cleves. Remind me.

- 亨利八世的第四任妻子 - 當然了
- Fourth wife of Henry VIII, sir. - Of course.

She was the one they told him was Miss Dish,

only, when she turned up, she had a face like the wrong end of a camel's turd.

Quite so.

- 你怎麼了,小伙子? - 我有請假單
- What's the matter with you, lad? - Oh, I've got a note, sir.

How much for? (laughs) I don't do notes. Get changed.


- 老師… - 上帝也從不請假
- Sir... - God doesn't do notes either.

Did Jesus say, "Can I be excused the Crucifixion?" No.
耶穌有沒有說過 「我能不能不上十字架?」沒有

Actually, sir, I think he did.

去換衣服 有一天你會因此得救的
Change! One day it will save your life.

運動才不能救命 只是會延後死期
Nothing saves anyone's life, sir. It just postpones their death.

主耶穌會拯救你,年輕人 只要你打從內心接受他
Jesus Christ will save your life, lad,

if you only let him into your heart!

I'm Jewish, sir.

I'm Muslim, sir.

- Very good. - (applause)

Most excellent.

(all) Ooooh!

Go on!

Lad, lad, lad!

You're letting yourself down, you're letting God down.

- 這又關上帝什麼事? - 聽著,小子,這軀殼不屬於你
- What's God got to do with it? - Listen, boy, this isn't your body.

- 不屬於我? - 沒錯,是上帝借給你的
- No? - No!

This body is on loan to you from God.

- 我操 - 我聽到了,做20下
- Fuck me. - I heard that! Give me 20.

20 what? Hail 瑪莉s?

Do it.

- You're late. Get your kit off. - I'm on the staff.

- 我是教師 - 我從沒見過你

- (laughing) - Well, I've never seen you.

What's this?

- 要幫忙嗎? - 你看得懂嗎?
- Do you need a hand with that, sir? - Is it joined-up writing?

林托特老師交給我 你們最近寫的文章
Mrs. Lintott's given me a view of some of your latest essays.

The experience was interesting. The essays not. Dull.


Dull. Abysmally dull.

這篇寫凱旋的內容 是最枯燥的一篇
A triumph. The dullest of the lot.

- 所有重點我都寫了 - 我沒說「錯」,我說「枯燥」
- I got all the points. - I didn't say it was wrong. I said "dull".

- 差得難以置信 - 你的字很難看
- Its sheer competence was staggering. - You've got crap handwriting.

那是你視力有問題 我們都知道是為什麼
It's your eyesight that's bad and we know what causes that.

Sir! Is that a coded reference to the mythical dangers of self-abuse?


- 也許我是在說笑呀 - 說笑?
- It might even be a joke! - (Dakin) A joke, sir?

Oh. Are jokes gonna be a feature? We need to know as it affects our mindset.
笑話也是上課內容嗎? 那會影響我們的心智

You don't object to our using the expression "mindset", do you, sir?

Mr. Hector doesn't care for it.

宗教改革時期,教堂保有 14個包皮據說都屬於耶穌
At the... er... at the time of the Reformation, there were 14 foreskins of Christ preserved,

但人們認為真品其實是存放在 羅馬的聖約翰拉特蘭教堂

but it was thought the Church of St. John Lateran in Rome had the authentic prepuce.

Don't think we're shocked by your mention of the word "foreskin", sir.

別以為「包皮」這名詞 會嚇到我們


No, sir. Some of us even have them.

不是波斯納,因為他是猶太人 他不會有這種東西的
Not Posner, though, cos he's, well... Jewish. It's one of several things he doesn't have.

- 閉嘴! - 那可不是種族歧視
- Fuck off. - That's not racist, though, sir.

- 不是嗎? - 和種族有關,但並非歧視
- Isn't it? - It's race-related. But not racist.

Has anybody been to Rome or Venice?

Florence? No.

別的考生一定會去 並寫下他們的所見所聞
The other candidates will have been and have done courses on what they've seen.

因此也會知道,要寫下有關 教會處於宗教改革時期的文章
So they'll know, when they do an essay on the Church at the time of the Reformation,

這些有關包皮的廢話 就能大作文章
that, oh, look, some silly nonsense on the foreskins of Christ will come in handy,

所以他們的文章,不像你們的 絕不會那麼枯燥
so that their essays, unlike yours, will not be dull.

文章並不糟糕,只是枯燥極了 你們沒希望的
They're not even bad, they're just boring. You haven't got a hope.

- 那又何必大費周章準備功課? - 不知道,你來說說
- So, why are we bothering? - I don't know. You tell me.

你們想要、你們父母想要 校長當然也期盼你們錄取
You want it. Your parents want it. The headmaster, he certainly wants it.

而我?我不會這麼浪費錢 只要能上紐卡素就很開心了
Me? I wouldn't waste the money. I'd go to Newcastle and be happy.

- Of course, there is another way. - Oh! How?
- 當然,也有其它方法 - 怎麼樣?

- 作弊 - 也許吧
- Cheat! - Possibly.

- Dakin. - Sir?
- 達肯 - 什麼事?

Don't take the piss. There isn't time.

- 真是個自命不凡的人 - 當老師的就是這樣
- What a wanker. - They all have to do it, don't they?

- 什麼這樣? - 表現得自己無所不知
- Do what? - Show you they're still in the game.

- 大談包皮什麼的,這個惡魔 - 他只比我們大沒多少
Foreskins and stuff. "Oh, sir, you devil."

Have a heart. He's only five minutes older than we are.

What happened with Hector, on the bike?

一如以往 不過我將書包放在腿上
As per. Except I managed to get my bag down.

他以為是他勾起我的性趣 其實是我的都鐸經濟論第二卷
I think he thought he'd got me going,

but, in fact, it was my Tudor Economic Documents, Volume Two.


( "Mustapha Dance" by The Clash)

那麼一次大戰 能告訴我們什麼?
So, let's summarize. The First World War, what points do we make?

- Trench warfare. - Mountains of dead.

- 屍體堆積成山 - 雙方都是

- On both sides. - Generals stupid.

- 愚蠢的將軍 - 雙方都是

- On both sides. - Armistice. Germany humiliated.

- 停戰,德軍蒙羞 - 繼續講

- Keep it coming. - Mass unemployment. Inflation.

- 失業 - 通貨膨脹

威瑪共和國垮臺,混亂不堪 希特勒崛起
Collapse of the Weimar Republic, internal disorder, the rise of Hitler.

所以我們的結論是 二次大戰的起源
So our conclusion is that the origins of the second war

lie in the unsatisfactory outcome of the first.

- 是的 - 棒極了
- Yes. Yes. - First class.

布里斯托大學 會敞開懷抱歡迎你們
Bristol welcomes you with open arms.

曼徹斯特渴望你們的加入 里茲大學更是如此
Manchester longs to have you. You can walk into Leeds!

我待過麥格達倫學院 讀完70篇同樣的論文都快睡著了
But I'm the fellow of Magdalene College,

I've just read 70 papers saying the same, and I'm asleep.

- 那都是事實 - 事實又如何?
- But it's all true. - What's truth got to do with it?

What's truth got to do with anything?

- 這位新老師好像挺聰明的 - 是的,超優秀
- (Mrs. Lintott) The new man seems clever. - He does. Depressingly so.

- 你不是考過牛津? - 是劍橋
- Didn't you try for Oxford? - Cambridge.

Cloisters. Ancient libraries.

我以為身處古老的建築 就是學習
I was confusing learning with the smell of cold stone.

即使我去了也不會理解 個中分別
If I had gone I'd probably never have worked out the difference.

杜倫大學的歷史系頗為知名 我在那第一次吃披薩
Durham was very good for history. It's where I had my first pizza.

當然還有其它事物 但那裡的披薩是最棒的
Other things too, of course, but it's the pizza that stands out.

Er, Dakin's a good-looking boy, though somehow sad.

你總是認為他們憂鬱,赫克托 沒有一次不是如此
You always think they're sad, Hector. Every, every time.

Actually, I wouldn't have said he was sad, I would have said he was cunt-struck.
我不認為他憂鬱 只能說他是很迷人性感


我以為你會喜歡 復合形容詞
I'd have thought you'd have liked that. It's a compound adjective.

- 你喜歡復合形容詞 - 是呀
- You like compound adjectives. - Yeah.

- 四處閒逛了 - 哦,是的
- Oh. Going walkabout. - Oh, yeah.

The truth was, in 1914, Germany doesn't want war.

當時有人挑起戰火 是英國指使的
Yeah, there's an arms race, but it's Britain who's leading it.

So, why does no one admit this?

That's why. The dead.

The body count.

我們不願承認戰爭我們有錯 因為我們死了很多人
We don't like to admit the war was even partly our fault cos so many of our people died.

所有的悲痛都掩蓋了事實 不是怕我們忘記,是怕我們想起
And all the mourning's veiled the truth. It's not "lest we forget", it's "lest we remember".

That's what all this is about - the memorials, the Cenotaph, the two minutes' silence.
所以才會有這些紀念館 戰爭紀念碑、兩分鐘的默哀

Because there is no better way of forgetting something than by commemorating it.

As for the truth, Scripps, forget it.

In an examination, truth's not an issue.

你真的相信這個 還是你試圖讓我們相信?
You really believe this, sir? Or are you just trying to make us think?

Can't explain away the poetry, sir.

- 藝術總是最後的贏家 - 這個怎麼樣?
- Art wins in the end. - What about this one, sir?

「一系列長短不齊的詩句 耐心地等待著」
"Those long, uneven lines Standing as patiently

「彷彿整個環繞著 別墅的花園」

As if they were stretched outside The Oval or Villa Park,

The crowns of hats, the sun On mustached archaic faces
「一片的帽海中,陽光映照著 滿是鬍鬚古老的臉龐」

「咧嘴笑著 有如假期的歡樂」

Grinning as if it were all An August Bank Holiday lark."

「前所未有的純真 不管是以前還是以後
"Never such innocence, Never before or since,

正如同變化本身 無時無刻默默地發生」
As changed itself to past Without a word."

"The men leaving the gardens tidy."

"The thousands of marriages Lasting a little while longer."

"Never such innocence again."

How come you know all this by heart?

Not that it answers the question.

So much for our "glorious dead".


Actually, Fiona's my Western front.

Well, last night, for instance.

I thought it might be the big push.

So, encountering only token resistance,

I reconnoitered the ground as far as the actual place.

- 胡扯 - 不,我是說沒發生
- Shit! - No, I mean not onto it.

- 當然沒進去,只是在上面 - 操
- Certainly not into it. Up to it. - Fuck.

And the metaphor really fits.

I mean, moving up to the front,

troops presumably had to pass the sites of previous battles.

Well, so it is with me.

比如她的雙峰 三個星期前剛剛攻克
Like particularly her tits, which only surrendered about three weeks ago.

And which were indeed the start line of a determined thrust southwards.

What's the matter?

- 那是禁地 - 操
- No-man's-land. - Ah, fuck.

So, what do I do with this?

Carry out a controlled explosion?

Still, at least I'm doing better than Felix.

- 菲力克斯? - 不會吧
- Felix? - No!

他在嘗試 一直想引她上
Tries to. Chases her around the desk.


Actually, the metaphor isn't exact

因為費奧娜可能在進行一場 預謀好的撤退
because what Fiona is presumably carrying out is a planned withdrawal.

你沒強迫她 她也不畏強權
You're not forcing her, she's not being overwhelmed by superior forces.

- 她喜歡你嗎? - 當然
- Does she like you? - Course she likes me.

所以你沒有爭奪領地 只是商討佔領的步驟
Then you're not disputing the territory, just negotiating over the pace of the occupation.

Just let us know when you get to Berlin.

I'm beginning to like him more.

- Who, me? - Irwin. Though he hates me.
- 誰,我? - 是爾文,雖然他不喜歡我


(Scripps) Cheer up. At least he speaks to you.

Most guys wouldn't even speak to you.

- Love can be very irritating. - How do you know?
- 愛情可能會讓人神志不清 - 你怎麼知道?

That's what I always think about God.

受到這麼多人崇拜 他一定整天神魂顛倒
He must get so pissed off, everyone adoring him all the time.

是的 可是上帝不會急著脫褲子
Yes. Only you don't catch God poncing about in his underpants.

( "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered" by Hart and 羅傑斯)

(Posner) I'm wild again

 Beguiled again

 A simpering, whimpering child again

 Bewitched, bothered and bewildered

 Am I

 Couldn't sleep and wouldn't sleep

 When love came and told me I shouldn't sleep

 Bewitched, bothered and bewildered

 Am I

 Lost my heart, but what of it?

 He is cold, I agree

 He can laugh but I love it

 Although the laugh's on me

 I'll sing to him

 Each spring to him

 And worship the trousers that cling to him

 Bewitched, bothered and bewildered

 Am I

Well done, Posner.

And now for some poetry of a more traditional sort.

Oh, God!

Er, Timms, w-w-what is this?

Sir, I don't always understand poetry.

你不想理解? 提姆斯,我從來都不理解
You don't always understand it? Timms, I never understand it.

But learn it now, know it now, and you will understand it, whenever.
但現在學習,開始了解 你早晚會理解的

我們要如何理解? 詩歌所說的我們都沒經歷過
I don't see how we can understand it.

Most of what poetry's about hasn't happened to us yet.

But it will, Timms, it will.

到時候你會有所準備 痛苦、歡樂,甚至你死的時候
And when it does, you'll have the antidote ready.

Grief, happiness, even when you're dying.

We're making your deathbeds here, boys.


Er, we've got an ending, sir.

Oh! Goody! Yes, well... Be sharp. Where's the kitty?



And we have to smoke, sir.

And I happen to have some, sir.

- Very well. - (piano)

(as woman) 傑瑞, please help me.

Shall we just have a cigarette on it?
- 可不可以先點根煙? - 好的


May I sometimes come here?

只要你喜歡,這也是你的家 還有愛著你的人
Whenever you like. It's your home too. There are people here who love you.

- 你開心嗎,夏洛特? - 傑瑞,月亮你不必摘給我
And will you be happy, Charlotte?

Oh, 傑瑞! Don't let's ask for the moon. We have the stars!


(piano crescendo)



是「走出過去的時代」中 的保羅亨瑞德和貝蒂戴維斯吧?
Could it be Paul Henreid and Bette Davis in Now, Voyager?.

(all laugh)

It is famous, you ignorant little tarts.

- But we never heard of it, sir. - Oh! Walt Whitman, "Leaves of Grass".

- 我們從沒聽說過 - 惠特曼的「草葉集」

"The untold want, by life and land ne'er granted,

「生命中無言的需求 和從未取得的土地」

「現在揚帆起航駛向前方 去追求探索」
Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find."

50p, please.

Ah, Rudge.

- 沒有「去吧」系列電影的資料 - 要做什麼?
There's nothing on the Carry On films.

- Why? Should there be? - The exam.

考試,爾文說那個系列電影 會是個討論的好題目

Mr. Irwin said the Carry Ons would be good films to talk about.

真奇怪 你認為他喜歡那些嗎?
How peculiar. Does he like them, do you think?

Probably not. You never know with him.

I'm now wondering if there's something there that I've missed.

爾文先生說 「雖然沒有藝術價值」
Well, Mr. Irwin says that, "Whilst they have no intrinsic artistic merit..."


(quietly) "...they achieve some of the permanence of art simply by persisting

「才能在社會歷史中 佔有一席之地」
and acquire incremental significance if only as social history."

Dear me. What fun you must all have.

他的教法和妳不同 很創新,真的
Well, it's not like your stuff, Miss. It's cutting edge, it really is.

- Where do you live, sir? - Horsforth.
- 你住在哪裡?老師 - 霍斯福斯

離赫克托先生不遠 他應該可以載你一程
Not far from Mr. Hector, sir. He might even give you a lift.

It's not a loft, is it, sir?

Do you exist on an unhealthy diet of takeaways

or do you whisk up gourmet meals for one?

- 或者只吃披薩? - 我自己解決
- Or is it a lonely pizza, sir? - I manage!

No questions from you, Dakin?

What they want to know, sir, is do you have a life?

Or are we it? Are we your life?

It's pretty dismal if you are, cos these are as dreary as ever.
那你們要大失所望了 因為我日子過得很平淡

你提了個問題,也知道答案 但別人也是如此
You get a question, you know the answer. But then, so does everybody else.

所以,說點不一樣的 來點相反的
So, say something different, say the opposite.

OK, look, er... take Stalin.

大家都認為 他是個不折不扣的魔鬼
He's generally agreed to be a monster, and rightly so.

持相反意見 找些題材來為他辯護
Dissent. Find something, anything, and say it in his defense.

問題是你知道什麼 而不是你不知道的事情
A question is about what you know, it's not about what you don't know.

例如說一個有關林布蘭的問題 可能會是對竇加某個問題的答案
A question about Rembrandt, for instance, might prompt an answer on Degas.

- 竇加也是個大師嗎? - 「苦難之事人們不曾道錯」
- Is Degas an old master? - "About suffering they were never wrong,

The Old Masters; how it takes place while someone's eating or opening a window."

「大師們,當人們享用大餐 或乘涼時,他們正在奮發努力」

- Have you done that with Mr. Hector? - Done what?

- 赫克托先生也這麼做嗎? - 什麼?

你引用的那首詩 是奧登,對吧?
The poem. You're quoting somebody. Auden, isn't it?

是嗎? 有時候只是脫口而出
Was it, sir? Sometimes it just flows out, you know, brims over.

Does he have a program or is it just at random?

- 是追求知識 - 對知識的追求無可厚非
- Knowledge. - The pursuit of it for its own sake.

Breaking bread with the dead, that's what we do.

- 比你的那些要高貴多了 - 但沒用,赫克托先生沒有重點
- It's higher than your stuff, sir, it's nobler. - Only not useful. Mr. Hector's not as focused.

- 絲毫都沒有,他神志不清 - 我們知道上你的課要做什麼
(Lockwood) Not focused at all. He's blurred, sir.

We know what we're doing with you.

Half the time with him, we don't know what we're doing.

上他的課 我們都模模糊糊的

我們是可憐迷失的小綿羊 我們身在何處,老師?
We're poor little sheep that have lost our way.

- Where are we? Where are we, sir? - Sit down.

老師,你好年輕 不是半路停學才來的吧?
You're very young, sir. This isn't your gap year, is it, sir?

I wish it was.
- 我希望是 - 為什麼?你不喜歡教我們嗎?

(Lockwood) Why, sir? Do you not like teaching us?

我們不只是處於大學 和生命之間的轉折點

We're not just a hiccup between the end of university and the beginning of life,

like Auden, are we, sir?

- 你喜歡奧登的詩嗎? - 有一些
- Do you like Auden's poetry, sir? - Some, yeah.

赫克托先生喜歡 對奧登我們有些了解
Mr. Hector does. We know about Auden.

(all) Oh, yes, we do.

- 他當過校長 - 我相信是的

- He was a schoolmaster for a bit. - I believe he was.

他是的,你認為 他更像你還是赫克托先生?
Yeah, he was. Do you think he was more like you or more like Mr. Hector?

- 為什麼他得像我們其中一人? - 我覺得他更像赫克托老師
I have no idea. Why should he be like either of us?

Oh, I think he was more like Mr. Hector.

Bit of a shambles. He snogged his pupils.

是奧登,老師 不是說赫克托
Auden, sir, not Mr. Hector.

你能回答 一個有關奧登的問題嗎?
So, you could answer a question on Auden, then?

才不,老師 赫克托教的東西對考試沒用
No, sir! Mr. Hector's stuff's not meant for the exam!

It's to make us more rounded human beings.

聽著 考試可能是任何你知道的東西
Listen! This examination's gonna be about everything and anything you know and are,

如果你們知道問題的答案 就好好回答
and if there's a question on Auden or whoever and you know about it, answer it.

That would be a betrayal of trust.

老師,沒有神聖的東西嗎 我們太震驚了
Yeah! Is nothing sacred, sir? We're shocked.

我會回答,他們也要聽 嚇死他們
I would, sir, and they would. They're taking the piss.

"England, you've been here too long,

「口中所唱的歌 是為勇敢的人而唱」
And the songs you sing are the songs you sung

On a braver day, now they are wrong."


- 誰說的? - 爾文老師
- Who's that? - (all) Oh! Mr. Irwin!

- 史黛薇史密斯的「溺水不求救」 - 別告訴我這知識一無是處
Sir! It's Stevie 史密斯 of "Not Waving But Drowning" fame.

Don't tell me that's useless knowledge.

如果你們要寫一篇 有關後帝國衰退的論文
If you get an essay on post-imperial decline,

you're losing an empire, finding a role, all that kind of stuff.

A gobbet like that, it's the perfect way to end it.
用這樣的一口酥來結尾 是最完美的

A what, sir?

A gobbet. A quotation.

- 還有什麼絕活沒拿出來的? - 我們什麼都會
How much more have you up your sleeves?

We've got all sorts. Hey! The train, the train!


(all imitate train)

我真想這麼做 站在邊緣的我渾身發抖
(as woman) I really meant to do it. I stood there trembling right on the edge.

但我辦不到 因為我不夠勇敢
But I couldn't. I wasn't brave enough.

我應該道出對你的思念 但孩子們阻止了我
I should like to able to say the thought of you and the children prevented me.

But it wasn't. I had no thoughts at all.
其實不是 我根本沒想過你

那只是一種強烈的慾望 不想再有任何感受
Only an overwhelming desire not to feel anything at all ever again.

Not to be unhappy any more.

回到了那小賣部 那時我幾乎暈了過去
I went back into the refreshment room. That's when I nearly fainted.

- What is all this? - (all) Shh!

- 蘿拉 - 是的,親愛的
- Laura. - Yes, dear?

Whatever your dream was, it wasn't a very happy one, was it?
不管你夢到了什麼 都不是個開心的夢,是嗎?


Is there anything I can do to help?

Fred, you always help.

You've been a long way away.

Thank you for coming back to me.

天知道你們 幹嘛學「相見恨晚」劇情
God knows why you've learned Brief Encounter.

I think you ought to know this lesson's been a complete waste of time.

正如同赫克托的課 也都是在浪費時間
A bit like Mr. Hector's lessons then, sir. They're a complete waste of time too.

自作聰明 但這些對你們考試無益
Smart arse. But he's not trying to get you through an exam.

(all) Ooooh!

- 要舌吻嗎? - 你說什麼?
- French Kiss? - I beg your pardon?

- Newmarket, three o'clock. - (chuckling)

- 桃樂絲 - 謝謝,史丹利
- Dorothy. - Thank you, Stanley.

So, how are you finding them?

被你教導得極為出色 他們看不出來這是個遊戲
You've taught them too well. They can't see it's a game.

- 歷史是個遊戲嗎? - 對於這樣的考試,是的
- History? Is it a game? - For an exam like this, yeah.

- Dorothy. - Ah, fuck.
- 桃樂絲 - 媽的

- Dorothy. - Headmaster.

- 那是給我的可怕警告 - 菲力克斯?
- I call him the awful warning. - Who? Felix?

If you don't watch out, he's what you turn into.

If this was a 1940s film, he'd be played by Raymond Huntley.
如果這是40年代的電影 他應該由雷蒙亨特利扮演


他擅長演尖酸的法官 和刻薄的校長
He made a speciality of sour-faced judges and vinegary schoolmasters.

- 我又該由誰來扮演? - 德克博加德
- Who would I be played by? - Dirk Bogarde.

I'm not sure I like that.


- Dorothy. - Watch out.

- 當心 - 赫克托,就是他

Ah, Hector! The very man.

- 開心點,洛吉 - 你好
- Chin up, Rudge. - 哈囉!

Mrs. Lintott.

我們的大師勉強讓步了 承認藝術有其作用
Our lord and master having grudgingly conceded that art may have its uses,

我來教你們未來的牛津劍橋男生 一些藝術歷史
I gather I'm supposed to give your Oxbridge boys a smattering of art history.

Not my bag, Hazel. Irwin's your man.

- 有些點綴也不賴 - 藝術還有人重視嗎?
- It's really just the icing on the cake. - Is art ever anything else?


Well... I suppose.

Who've you got?

- Both nancies. - Are they?
- 兩個同性戀 - 他們是嗎?

這不是女人 只是有乳房的男人
These aren't women. They're just men with tits.

And the tits look put on with an ice-cream scoop.

- 那麼你喜歡特納嗎? - 他還行
- Do you like Turner, then? - He's all right.

挑一些你喜歡的 藝術就是要你們樂於欣賞的
Well, choose someone you do like. Art's meant to be enjoyed.

長期來看是如此 但我們並不能享受藝術
In the long term, maybe, but with us, enjoyment don't come into it.

We haven't time to read the books. We haven't time to look at the pictures.

We really need lessons in acting. That's what this whole scholarship thing is: an acting job.
我們需要演戲課程 獎學金只是要我們演戲

So, have the boys given you a nickname?

- 我不知道 - 有綽號也會是一種驕傲
- Not that I'm aware of. - A nickname is an achievement.

算是勝利的標誌 得到徽章的感覺
Both in the sense of something won and also in its armorial sense.

Of a badge, a blazon.

Unsurprisingly, I am Tott. Or Tottie.

Some irony there, one feels.

- 赫克托沒有綽號 - 他有,就是赫克托
- Hector has no nickname. - Yes, he has. Hector.

- 他是名叫赫克托 - 那是他的綽號
- But he's called Hector. - That's his nickname too.

他不叫赫克托 其實是叫道格拉斯
He isn't called Hector. His name's Douglas.

唯一一次聽到有人這樣喊他 是他令人意想不到的妻子
Though the only person I've ever heard address him as such

is his somewhat unexpected wife.

波斯納昨天來見我 他有個問題
Posner came to see me yesterday. He has a problem.

沒被取綽號,但知道他們的煩惱 我很少知道
No nickname, but at least you get their problems. I seldom do.

Sir, I think I may be homosexual.

- 我愛上達肯 - 達肯知道嗎?
- I love Dakin. - Does Dakin know?

Yes. He doesn't think it's surprising.

Though Dakin likes girls, basically.

我很同情 當然還不至於說我感同身受
I sympathized, though not so much as to suggest I might be in the same boat.

- With Dakin? - With anybody.
- 對達肯? - 對每一個人

That's sensible.

學生們最難以接受的 就是老師也只是普通人
One of the hardest things for boys to learn is that a teacher is human.

當老師最困難的 就是儘量去隱瞞這些事
One of the hardest things for a teacher to learn is not to try and tell them.

- 這是個階段嗎,老師? - 你認為這是個階段嗎?
- Is it a phase, sir? - Do you think it's a phase?

有些書上說這會過去的 我不知道我是否願意事情過去
Some of the literature says it will pass.

I'm not sure I want it to pass.

但我想上牛津 上了說不定達肯會喜歡我
But I want to get into Oxford. If I do, Dakin might love me.

Or I might stop caring.

- 你會回顧自己的生命嗎? - 我想大家都會這麼做
- Do you look at your life, sir? - I thought everybody did.

I'm a Jew, I'm small,

又是同性戀 住在雪菲爾
I'm homosexual, and I live in Sheffield.

I'm fucked.

So, all this religion. What do you do?

(sighs) Go to church. Pray.


那非常花時間 你是無法想像的
It's so time-consuming. You have no idea.

Yeah? What else?

Well. Er... it's what you don't do.

You don't not wank?

- 你瘋了 - 不會永遠這樣
- Jesus! You're headed for the bin. - It's not forever.

你要做第一次時告訴我 我會迴避
Yeah, well, just tell me on the big day and I'll stand well back.

煩人的是當你學得越多 在書中看到更多的失敗者
What bothers me is the more you read,

the more you see literature is actually about losers.

- Ugh, no. - Yeah.

- 不會的 - 會

It's consolation. All literature is consolation.
只是種安慰 所有的文學都只是自我安慰

I don't care what Hector says. I find literature really louring.

我不在乎赫克托說了什麼 我覺得文學超陰沉的

This is Irwin, isn't it? A line of stuff for the exam.

- 是爾文,全是為考試準備的 - 不


Well, it isn't wholly my idea.
這不全是我的想法 我最近在讀尼蕭的著作

I've been reading this book by Nieshaw.

- 誰? - 尼蕭,哲學家
- Who? - Nieshaw. He's a philosopher.

Frederick Nieshaw.

I think that's pronounced Nietzsche.

Oh, shit. Shit!

- What's the matter? - I talked to Irwin about it.
- 怎麼了? - 我和爾文討論過了

他沒糾正我 還由著我喊尼蕭
He didn't correct me. He let me call him Nieeee-shaw!

- 他當我是個傻瓜 - 我做錯了什麼了?
- He'll think I'm a right fool. Shit! - What have I done?

Nothing. You've done nothing.

The world doesn't revolve around you, you know.

Ah! Irwin! How are our young men doing?


- 他們進展順利嗎? - 我想是的
- Are they on stream? - I think so.

(stammers) You think so? Are they or aren't they?

Must always be something of a lottery.

A lottery? I don't like the sound of that, Irwin.

我不要你搞砸 我們以前失敗太多次了
I don't want you to fuck up.

We've been down that road too many times before.

(rock music)


He's coming.


鉛塊從房頂上取下後用柴火燒 剩下的就交給時間
They took the lead off the roofs, they used the timbers to melt it down,

and time did the rest, and all thanks to Henry VIII.


如果你想了解史達林 研究一下亨利八世
If you want to learn about Stalin, study Henry VIII.

If you want to learn about Mrs. Thatcher, study Henry VIII.

或者是柴契爾夫人 也可以研究亨利八世

你和桃樂絲回顧歷史的時候 我先休息一下
While you and Dorothy are taking them through the history, I'll pitch camp.

Though, Irwin, I am constantly available

準備好有用的引語,對不起 是一口酥,以備你不時之需
for the provision of useful quotations - sorry, gobbets - on request.

「破舊教堂中 遲來的鳥兒甜蜜輕唱著」
"Bare ruin'd choirs, where late the sweet birds sang."

記住,孩子們,好好用一口酥 答案就不會錯得太離譜
Remember, boys, festoon your answers with gobbets

and you won't go very far wrong.

(Irwin) Actually, singing was the least of it.

修道士也擔任農民,織布 製作皮革,裁縫…
The monks were farmers, clothiers, tanners, tailors...

- (Akhtar) This was a toilet? - (Irwin) One of them.
- 這裡是廁所? - 有一個是

- 屁股很涼快 - 那裡有個排水溝
- A bit draughty on the bum. - That was the drain down there.

他們還喝這些水? 該死的基督徒
And then they drank out of it? Fucking Christians.

那恆河呢? 你也好不到哪去
What about the Ganges? You're just as bad.

- 我是信奉回教,笨蛋 - 反正看起來都一樣
- I'm Muslim, knob. - You all look alike to me anyway.

- 這是什麼?禮拜堂? - 不,是個儲藏室
- So, what was this, then? Chapel? - No, it was a storeroom.

一個穀倉 所有的收成都會送到這裡
A barn. All the produce would come in here.

- 你對這一切都很了解是嗎? - 我對這些很感興趣
- You know it all, don't ya? - It interests me.

No, that's good. That's good.

- 純男性的團體,是嗎? - 當然,他們是修道士
- All-male community, was it, sir? - Of course. They were monks.

- Bit of that, you think? - What?

- 什麼? - 同性戀什麼的

- Same-sex stuff. - You blushed, sir.

- 你臉紅了,老師 - 去你的臉紅

- Have I fuck blushed. - Sir, this is consecrated ground!


對我來說不是 反正是個異教徒教堂
(Akhtar) Not to me, sir. To me it's a pagan temple.

Only you did blush a bit, sir.

所以亨利八世要討伐他們 因為他們同床而眠
So, is that why Henry VIII put the boot in, then, sir - because of them bunking up?

- 他是這麼說的 - 別的事他們也不能做些什麼
It's what he said.

Not much else for them to do, was there?

- I mean, in the time off. - Pray