"The Big Bang Theory"


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2012-11-26 21:44:26

Strongart: Thank for the Big Bang Theory

  Hi, I am Strongart, I am a young mathematician in China. I study maths by myself and make some videos to teach commutative algebra, functional analysis and other topics at the internet just like the Khan Academy and MIT open courses. In fact, you can treat me as the Sheldon in the sitcom The Big Bang Theory which I will thank for because it help me out of some contact trouble.

    Chinese often ask me such a question: what do you do? Tant is my trouble. It is hard for me to answer it, if I say I am a mathematician and also a philosopher, they will be amazing. Some of them will say are you joking, the others maybe treat me as a teacher and ask me where you are teaching. Because of some Chinese reason, I only study mathematics and philosophy at home even I can defeat most of Chinese professors.

    For the situation, I have to say a lot of word to explain what do I do, but it is not suitable because they ask this question only for polite greetings, maybe they do not care much with me. Even some Chinese want to pay more attention to me, I am not sure they can understand what I say because most of Chinese need for a stand model to cognize something new, some of them will think I am nothing but gas and hot hair, othens will treat me as a perfect type of pedant because I do not change my genius into money. They are not open for me, but they think I am a pity homeboy with the serious autism and social phobia, a wonderful Chinese logic!

    I uploaded my stories at youtube before it have been stopped by the Chinese Great Wall. Maybe some American think this guy is insteresting and they creat a lot of funny story baesd on me, which is called the Big Bang Theory and I am the main character Shelden in the real world. Now thank for the sitcom The Big Bang Theory, if some Chinese asks me what do you do, I will say do you watch the Big Bang Theory, I am the Sheldon with a pure mathematical version.