冷山--Cold Mountain

冷山/ 乱世情天 / 冷峰 / 寒山

7.2 / 157,610人    154分鐘

導演: 安東尼明格拉
編劇: 查理弗雷澤
演員: 裘德洛 妮可基嫚 芮妮齊薇格 唐納蘇德蘭


2012-12-01 02:14:15

A name means everything

  A war made a place which is nothing become powerful to break man's heart.Depart first then come back beyond anything that hurts but finally it's still just an end that it got to be.Have they been told what to do next?All of it just came from the history of human. I have to say,which way you get in your life not just depends on the rules.It could be anything,including who to love,how to love.