雨人--Rain Man


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導演: 巴瑞李文森
編劇: Barry Morrow 羅那貝斯
演員: 達斯汀霍夫曼 湯姆克魯斯 薇拉莉‧葛琳諾 Gerald R. Molen


2012-12-16 22:23:14

If you like Frankenstein


I heard this movie in a list about psychology in a long time ago.It’s a feature film about autism,which make sufferers have social handicap,communication disorder,narrow interests,repetive behaviors and so on.

Of course,these descriptions are just copied from Baidu Encyclopedia.I can』t image how disturbing to contect with a patient with autism until I』d watched Rain Man.

 The biggest weakness of feature film is plain,which let people feel boring sometimes.I have to admit I felt dull at the beginning of the film because it’s hard to understand the meaning and details of dialogues well.The movie showed two kind of love to audience.

Firstly,and the most obvious love is between brothers.On knowing have a elder brother who never meet but inherit 3 million dollars from their father,Charlie feels very shock and angry.At the beginning,he only wants to inherit 1.5 million dollars so he takes away his brother Raymond who suffered from autism from mental health hospital without permission. At the same time,Charlie’s business is in a crisis,besides his girlfriend is going to leave him,everything is in the mess. In the way of back to Los Angel,Charlie finds Raymond’s behaviors are so odd and ridiculous that make he annoyed.Actually,I sympathize with Charlie totally because I know the feeling of being troubled.

Late,Charlie is surprised to find Raymond have excellent talent about memery and count.He takes Raymond to gambling house and wins 80 thousands dollars at once.The money is so huge that is able to save Charlie’s career.Actually,Charlie is changed.When he tries to communicate with Raymond,he gradually understands his brother.Though suffered from autism,Raymond expressed his love for young brother in freak and childish way.What’s more,this love softens Charlie’s srocbbery and cold heart and teaches him how to care about others.It’s said that the sence of Charlie teaches Raymond to dance in hotel of gambling house is quite classical. Charlie’s girlfriend is back to him in the meantime.Everything backs on track,and Charlie gains a love of his brother.

At last,Charlie already forgets the heritage ,he only wants Raymond stay and live with him.However Raymond is taken back to hospital by mental health doctor for his good.In the end,the sence of parting made my eyes become wet.I felt Charlie really regards his ill brother as treasure from the deep of his heart,in spite of he met Raymond 6 days ago.

There 『s another obscure love:father to son.Charlie is extreme angry with his father because he just inherit a motorized caravan and roses.In fact,many westen parents want their offspring to be independent,therefore they don』t leave offspring a pound as heritage.Else,the car and roses are the apple of father’s eye. He didn』t release Charlie on bail because he want his son far way from entertainment. He even sent Raymond to mental hospital in order to protect Charlie.He does loves Charlie in this special style, which is difficult to see and understand.

If you ask me,Charlie has mental illness,but he is innocent and never forget what’s love.I wanna quote a lyric of Eason Chan as end:If you like Frankenstein,in fact,I am very beautiful.
