蜘蛛人:驚奇再起--The Amazing Spider-Man


6.9 / 706,561人    136分鐘 | 153分鐘 (Extended Cut)

導演: 馬克偉柏
編劇: 艾文沙吉 史蒂夫克勒伍
演員: 安德魯加菲 艾瑪史東 萊斯伊凡


2012-12-17 17:44:18

The Amazing Spider-Man

The Amazing Spider-Man is a typical superhero movie that ironically doesn't surface as much anymore. It once again entails Spider-Man's origin story that everyone knows about, albeit with minor twists here and there, and often not for the better. In fact, it was quite a dread watching the exact same storyline again for a good portion of the movie. However, despite it's rather mundane and sometimes irrational blunders in the plot, it is still a visually pleasing movie and packs enough emotion for it to be successful and memorable. Personally, I find Andrew Garfield extremely likeable in the movie, and the film in general more enjoyable than the previous run.