40 惑不惑?--This Is 40


6.2 / 150,360人    134分鐘

導演: 賈德阿帕托
編劇: 賈德阿帕托
演員: 梅根福克斯 傑森席格 保羅路德 萊絲里曼恩

2012-12-29 11:58:01



如果人沒有子女,其實40歲和20歲也沒什麼區別。比如倆人在酒店就挺high的。酒店裡,倆人吃了marijuana cookie之後。。。

1, Paul把香蕉和兩個橙子擺在褲衩外頭說,check it out, my dick and balls...然後咬了一口香蕉說,oh my god, I got to eat my own dick...I eat my dick...

2, Paul跟服務生說,this room has rodents, 旁邊Leslie披著毛巾被在地上亂竄。。。Paul大喊,hey I just saw it!!!!

3, Paul把一顆大海星放到褲衩里,然後問Leslie和服務生,where is my star fish? Where did I put my star fish...

4, Leslie拿著一塊蛋糕說,I'm gonna deep throat this egg-clair (一種蛋糕)。。。

Asian服務員評價megan fox:everything comes out is a lie, everything goes in is a dick.

Leslie 摸megan fox的胸說 wow... jesus, they really are amazing...like mammary mattress, my kids just suck the meat right out of mine. Megan: No...they have some meat in there!

還有好多冷幽默。......paul說I have a family, I can't afford to sit in my apartment getting high and jerking off and go to Tommy's chilli burger's at three in the morning! Ronnie: That's not even the order that happens in!

