非關男孩--About a Boy


7.1 / 192,769人    101分鐘

導演: 克里斯魏茲 保羅魏茲
演員: 休葛蘭 尼可拉斯霍特 東妮克莉蒂 瑞秋懷茲


2013-01-20 10:12:50

People do not always know what they want, even though they think they know

Good plot. Every economically and ideologically independent single is an island in this high-tech age, with his/her private kingdom, needing few from others in terms of materials and relationships as well as objecting to be involved too much to others' world. Many of them just enjony this independence, their cozy "island life". This is not bad in gerneral, until someone, more often than not a naive child or charming man/woman, comes out by chance and dissolves them. And then, they realize that independent life is not that satisfactory in comparison with warm family. This movie vividly presents the psychological development of young adults.