他不笨,他是我爸爸--I am Sam


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導演: 潔西尼爾森
編劇: 克莉絲汀強森 潔西尼爾森
演員: 西恩潘 蜜雪兒菲佛 蘿拉鄧 達科塔芬妮


2013-01-24 06:25:02

Sam is doing his best, and we can do better


Actually,I believe that even the normal parents can not say that they can be the better father or mother than Sam, who is retarded. What Sam does is just from his inner heart, just like the way he treats everything else, to be true or real to express who he is and what is in his mind. While our normal parents are always trying to be an ideal person others want them to be, likewise they get used to tell the children what they should do and reproach them of what they have done, which was far different from what they expect their children should have done. And finally, all I can feel is parents' sparing no efforts to push their children away, make them tired and enrage them.

也許,好事者(knockers)會認為電影終究太理想化,溫情片在煽情之餘,依舊留下諸多問題沒有解決,比如,現實和理想之間的差距應該怎樣對待。可在我看來,這部影片的美好之處就在於,它在溫情的同時,在控訴歐美國家先進的法律體系給予的過度人權保護外,也給予了我們一個兩全其美的答案---- 給Lucy一個媽媽。


I am Sam,Sam之所以為Sam的原因,就在於,他盡了自己的可能,他的世界除了Lucy,什麼也沒有了;而我們,之所以不能成為Sam的原因,是因為,不論你願不願意承認,除了Lucy,我們還有很多,因此,其實我們可以做的更好。