悲慘世界--Les Misérables


7.5 / 349,370人    158分鐘

導演: 湯姆霍伯
編劇: 維克多雨果
演員: 休傑克曼 羅素克洛 安海瑟薇 亞曼達塞佛瑞

2013-01-27 16:17:12

I hate that I am a cynic

Don't get me wrong, I was very moved and touched by this film. I had very high expectations of this film, and it didn't let me down at all.

Even though I knew the story pretty well, the cast still surprised and amazed me. It was not difficult to be immersed by all the emotions, I hardly noticed the passing of time and tears came streaming down my face throughout the film.

The cruelness of life contrasted with the purity and innocent of young love. In such hard times, true love is so desirable yet so naive. I almost sniggered at the romantic scenes, I wanted to laugh at their ignorance of what is happening around them; the bigger picture, the country's suffering, the people's suffering. Maybe I am being too harsh on Marius and Cosette. Marius was a part of the revolution after all, he was a conscientious young man with a sense of purpose in life. Cosette, on the other hand, was just sheltered and protected too well, her innocence defines who she is, her innocence is what sets her apart, her innocence is what's alluring. In the film, Cosette wasn't given the chance to be tested, to prove or demonstrate her hidden strength.

Like I said, I am a cynic. I believe everyone deserves a second chance, but I am too scared to make any mistakes because I know I may not have a second chance to redeem myself. In life, not everyone can be a Cosette, but there may be a Jean Valjean or Eponine in us all. I pray for a happy ending for all the Jean Valjeans, Eponines and Fantines out there.