再見初戀--Goodbye First Love


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導演: 米雅韓桑露芙
編劇: 米雅韓桑露芙
演員: 蘿拉柯彤 賽巴斯汀.烏曾道斯基 孟納哈佛貝肯


2013-02-19 18:08:42

Farewell, First Love.

Had to found out a movie in order to write my French Composition. I was so depressed while I was watching this movie, it expressed everything so well! So here is a quote I would love to share with everyone :"La vie ne peut être comprise qu'en revenant en arrière, mais doit être vécue en allant de l'avant." GROW UP and MOVE ON, that's all I want to say for the first love. Goodbye my first love ❤