

7.8 / 877,062人    169分鐘 | 182分鐘 (加長版)

導演: 彼得傑克森
編劇: 法蘭華許 菲利帕柏恩斯
演員: 馬丁費里曼 伊恩麥克連 凱特布蘭琪


2013-02-26 07:47:21

Good film but too long


I am a fan of the Lord of the Rings movies... I have never read the books though. When I heard this movie was being made, I made it my mission to read the book before the film came out.

The book is awesome... I loved it. The movie is also very good, but there are bits I am disappointed with.

I think the film is a really good movie, but there is absolutely no need to stretch it out into a trilogy. I know in Hollywood it's all about the money... but this story does feel very stretched. The book of the Hobbit is about a third in length of Fellowship of the Ring, so surely it should only be one movie?!?

The thing with Peter 傑克森 in my opinion is his movies are too long. He makes some amazing films, but they are too long for my liking. King Kong for instance is a really good movie, but the first 90 minutes really should have only been 25 minutes of the movie.

The Hobbit is a really good film. The effects are great, the story is great and the characters are really good... especially Gollum.

I felt that the beginning of the movie was very good, the ending was very good but the middle was very stretched out. I thought the middle slowed down a little bit too much and should have been shorter.

The way the movie ended makes me wonder how they could stretch it out into 2 more movies though... they got quite far in their journey in the first movie alone.

The casting was brilliant. 馬丁 Freeman plays a really good Bilbo Baggins. He looks like he could get older and look like Ian Holm. It was also very good to see some of the old cast from LOTR back to reprise their roles in this... Elijah Wood made an appearance. It was also good to see the legend that is Christopher Lee back.

I really did enjoy this film and will give it 9 out of 10...

