再見了,拉札老師--Monsieur Lazhar


7.5 / 17,654人    Canada:94分鐘

導演: 菲立普法拉多
編劇: 菲立普法拉多
演員: 蒙漢費拉 蘇菲奈里斯 艾姆利恩捏倫 丹妮拉寶拉克思


2013-03-03 19:37:24

First time(ps:此電影讓我想起李慶明-南山實驗小學校長)

     During kid's growth, there are many first times. How to deal with kids' first time is big deal which would set down the basis for the concepts sticking all their rest day and night, affecting their emotion and behaviors.
     On death, psychologist tried her best to eliminate kid's memory instead unfolding the concept. Dissecting death is necessary. not having proper attitude towards death might cause problem. Maybe sometimes, we just dun have to give an answer but to listen and guide. Then, individuals would be allowed to form their own stand.
     In the end, the teacher insisted to give kids a formal hinted goodbye,which is also the same reflecting on the "first time" of death. Kids sometimes are far more mature than we can imagine. If you treated them seriously, they would do so. Therefore, we should set them up as a kid for the first impression. They are human as well. They started their freedom mind as we do and made selected as we do as soon as they have their consciousness though it might be weak.
     In reality, we might should let go the unconscious pain or thought so easy, as they are part of our life. We should respect them as well.maybe its about"burst".It means that if we never treat sth seriously, it would never be valuable. Value is created by human themselves.

  I should own this DVD.!!