

2013-03-03 21:30:46



He's a fool and don't I know it? 我怎麼不知道他是個傻瓜
But a fool can have his charms 不過這個傻瓜有他的魅力
I'm in love, and don't I show it? 為什麼不告訴大家我已墜入愛河
Like a babe in arms 就像個沉入臂彎的嬰兒


Love's the same old sad sensation 愛情就是曾有的痛感
Lately I've not slept a wink 近來我無法安眠
Since this half-pint imitation 因為這個微不足道的偽君子
Put me on the blink 無視我的存在


I'm wild again, beguiled again 我回歸瘋狂,重被誘惑
A simpering, whimpering child again 如孩子般痴笑嗚咽無常
Bewitched, bothered and bewildered - am I 被你引誘,惴惴不安,不知所措。我不正是如此?


Couldn't sleep and wouldn't sleep 輾轉難眠,也不願入睡
When love came and told me, I shouldn't sleep 當愛情告訴我它已經到來,我不該高枕無憂
Bewitched, bothered and bewildered - am I 被你引誘,惴惴不安,不知所措。我不正是如此?


Lost my heart, but what of it 傾心於你,但那又怎樣?
He is cold, I agree 我覺得他冷漠至極
He can laugh, but I love it 他有時也笑
Although the laugh's on me 雖然那是在嘲笑我,我也喜歡


I'll sing to him, each spring to him 我為他而歌頌,因為我的一切都源於他
And long for the day when I'll cling to him 渴望終有一天我能和他形影不離
Bewitched, bothered and bewildered - am I 被你引誘,惴惴不安,不知所措。我不正是如此?


After one whole quart of brandy 買醉解憂,喝下整整一誇脫的白蘭地
Like a daisy, I'm awake 我很清醒,那味道像雛菊
With no Bromo-Seltzer handy 雖然手邊沒有解酒藥
I don't even shake 我卻甚至沒有顫抖


Men are not a new sensation 男人沒什麼新鮮的
I've done pretty well I think 我想我已經盡我所能取悅他
But this half-pint imitation 但這個微不足道的偽君子
Put me on the blink 無視我的存在


I've sinned a lot, I'm mean a lot 我違背倫常,我名聲卑劣
But I'm like sweet seventeen a lot 但我就像一個花季少男般
Bewitched, bothered and bewildered - am I 被你引誘,惴惴不安,不知所措。我不正是如此?


I'll sing to him, each spring to him 我為他而歌頌,我的一切都源於他
And worship the trousers that cling to him 鍾愛他常穿的褲子
Bewitched, bothered and bewildered - am I 被你引誘,惴惴不安,不知所措。我不正是如此?


When he talks, he is seeking 他說話時總在尋找確切的詞
Words to get off his chest 而話語總是脫口而出
Horizontally speaking, he's at his very best 實話實說,這正是他最美的樣子


Vexed again, perplexed again 重拾惱怒,再次迷亂
Thank God, I can be oversexed again 感謝上帝,我的慾望重燃
Bewitched, bothered and bewildered - am I 被你引誘,惴惴不安,不知所措。我不正是如此?