悲慘世界--Les Misérables


7.5 / 349,370人    158分鐘

導演: 湯姆霍伯
編劇: 維克多雨果
演員: 休傑克曼 羅素克洛 安海瑟薇 亞曼達塞佛瑞


2013-03-05 07:03:32

Les Misérables



  I never read the original before,neither the opera,so I can just enjoy the show,without anything troubled.But I read another book about France Revolution-A tale of two city.You know,I am quite angry about the angry citizen and the rough they had done.But today the flim reminds me,never forget how suffering they were in old days.Just like the song singing:"red-the blood of angry men,black-the dark of ages past ."They do had a reason to do so~

  At the begin of the story,there are hundreds prisoner working." Look down, look down.Don't look 'em in the eye "with the music risen,we learn a miserable story about Jean Valjean,who is the leading role,it tells that he was put into prison for stolening a piece of bread,which could save his poor starve children,and just because of this,he spend years suffering."Opposite to the tiny man stands a huge ship,giving us a feeling of epic and fear."you are guilty!"yelled 24601,but can he be heard?

  Tomorrow I might become a man who pray for the Lord.Sometime we get lost,even cannot remember who am I.But never forget that you will not be abandoned,for God exsist.Though darkness surrounded,I still hold the torch~

  I dream a dream,the only thing I know before seeing the film.You know,I know a little about Bel Canto or anything else,or I make a mistake,but it doesn't matter.Dream murdered by the fucking world,dream a dream that cannot be,"there was a time..." Seeing Fantine singing with tears,heart broken,I really want to dry her off .
  Yes,we all get mad, Fantine lose her job,"she is a trouble,she is a bitch"Envy and live make people blind~

  It is well known that there is a song called"I dream a dream".But which expressed me most is《 on me own》(我知道英語沒這個符號),bleeding love,"I love him,but is on my own..."I weep for the poor charming girl.You did everything,but no one seeing,no one understand...what is the hell you fucking doing?You are just background,do not you understand?shit!Seeing your dying,I swear again and again.
  Save her please,my Lord,please.why not kill me instead?I beg,never let I me just fucking watching!
  "I do not any pain,it is a little fall of rain "shit,what the hell you fucking singing?(我想說放TM的屁!能不疼嗎?Forgive me,I am just in bad mood)Dreadful song,which may bring me nightmare tonight,but have a sweet dream in heaven,my lady~
