求愛女王--All About Steve


4.8 / 36,367人    99分鐘

導演: 皮爾垂勒
編劇: Kim Barker
演員: 珊卓布拉克 湯馬斯海登喬許 布萊德利庫柏 鄭肯 DJ奎爾斯


2013-03-12 19:26:02

Sandra Bullock在金酸莓頒獎禮發表的獲獎感言

Sandra Bullock成為繼Halle Berry 哈莉貝瑞後第二位親自到頒獎現場領取金酸梅獎項的女藝人,視訊中桑德拉·布洛克表示沒明白好萊塢「答應出場即獲獎」的規矩,「責怪」金酸莓評委沒有認真看《All About 史蒂夫》這部電影,沒有領會到她在電影中所要表達的東西,並帶了一箱《All About 史蒂夫》DVD派發給現場,要求評委重看電影,言語中頗為不忿。
獲獎視訊: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTI0NjY5ODIw.html
獲獎感言: http://www.speakup.com.br/index.php/extras/2012/300/213-300-the-queen-of-comedy.html

Here we come, with a spray-painted gold for Worst Actress of 2009, here are Razzie veteran Dan E. Campbell and Razzie newbie Matt Vale!

Dan E. Campbell and Matt Vale:
Thank you. Five fabulous females...
offering us five fabulously flatulent performances.
And now we will find out which one of these five will win! Ladies, start your alibies!
And now we』re all about to hear who the winner is!
May I ask for the envelope, please?
Oh, sure.
Thank you. And the Razzie for Worst Actress goes to: Sandra Bullock for All About 史蒂夫!

Rap artist (imitating Jay-Z) (African American accent):
Yo, yo, yo, yo, Razzie people, I』m really happy for you and I』m going to let you finish, but Beyoncé had the worst performance of the year! Worst performance of the year!

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to our stage, Academy Award-nominated – and Razzie Award-winning – Sandra Bullock!

Sandra Bullock:
You all better sit down, this is going to be a long night! I think this is an extraordinary award, and I didn』t realise that in Hollywood that all you had to do was say you』d show up and then you』d get it. If I had known that, I would have said I was appearing at the Oscars a long time ago!
No, but this is really wonderful for... for the most important reasons, because, they said no-one went to go see this film, but I know that there’s over 700 members here. And they... I won: that means the majority of the 700 had to have voted, so that means.... 352, right? But, see, something tells me you all didn』t really watch the film, because I wouldn』t be here if you really, really watched it and understood what I was trying to say. So. We have Team Bullock here, who’s not very happy with you guys. And they brought everyone in... in the audience tonight a... a DVD of All About 史蒂夫...

A member of the audience:
Thank you!

Sandra Bullock:
Yeah, you say that now! Everyone gets a copy and this is the deal I』m going to make you again. See, how when I said I would show up, I miraculously won! I will show up next year, if you promise to watch the movie – and I mean really watch it – and really consider if it was, really and truly, the worst performance. And if you』re... if you』re willing to watch it and then I will come back next year, I will give back the Razzie and I will do this again.... This is all for you guys, but, if you really watched it, you will remember Brian from our office, who was in the film. Do you remember Brian? You so lie! What scene was Brian in?

A member of the audience:
「In the... office scene!」

Sandra Bullock:
Yeah! Yeah! What was Brian doing in the office scene?
A member of the audience:
He was being bald!

Sandra Bullock:
Hey, what was that?

A member of the audience:
He was being bald!

Sandra Bullock:
Being bold?

Members of the audience:
Being bored! Being bald!

Sandra Bullock:
Yes, well, just... so that you would have seen his extraordinary performance and if, for no other reason, please, I need Brian’s work to be seen! So, you have this option, of watching, and we』ll leave this here for you guys to take on your way out, or I brought the shooting script, the final shooting draft, and I left a charity event with Jeffrey Katzenberg to come here, and... just proof right here – he wasn』t happy. But I』m willing go through – page by page – my dialog.
So we』ll be here for a while. And I will read the line the way that I read it in the film and then I want anyone who wants to give me a line reading of how I could have done it better to read it back to me. All right? So we can do this till about four o』clock in the morning, or you guys can just watch the movie and rethink your decision and have me back next year. And I will show up and then we can actually go drink afterwards.
I』ve got to get back to this charity event because it’s actually, you know, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and he can make prevent me from working again.
But I hear, also, we heard over the wire that Bradley 古柏 and myself won Best Couple. OK, you know... again, if you had seen the film, seen it, with your eyes, it’s pretty much a film about a woman stalking a man. That doesn』t really set up the premise for a loving couple. So, to give us the Worst Couple award is kind of a 『duh.』 So... I』m just sort of overstating an obvious, I just want to help you guys out next year, the thing about these awards, just see the movies first and then make your decision. Hope you have a great night, thank you for ruining my career with a very bad decision!

But I want you to know that Michael and Brian and Maggie, who』ve spent so much of their time and their... their life and their... their blood trying to bring to life how fucked up you media people are... in All About 史蒂夫. And that’s all we were trying to say. Don』t try and... don』t try and take us down 『cause we』re different, man!
You want us to be the same, but we』re not. Brian is always going to be bald: that’s what you saw him do in the film, that’s who he is in real life. Maggie’s tiny, but she’s mean! And Michael, just... Michael doesn』t really speak, so that’s... you know... so just... just do me the favor, watch it, and then, if you change your mind, I』ll be back next year, to give back the Award. Thank you very much.