00:30凌晨密令--Zero Dark Thirty


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導演: 凱薩琳畢格羅
編劇: 馬克波爾
演員: 潔西卡雀絲坦 傑森克拉克 喬爾埃哲頓 史考特艾金斯


2013-03-22 07:15:56


I have a lot to ask the editor. 很多情節似乎都 need questioning.

How terrible the war is and why, i wonder, we human beings kill each other. The absolute majority of the dead ones are innocent ones who have never thought about wandering around the street and then being killed without being asked by Laden or Obama whether they are willing to sacrifice their lives for their country, neither they are Arabs or Americans.

I feel really sorry for those who lives in a place surrounded by wars, bombings and kills.

Violence can never be stopped by violence, also, negotiation or peaceful talks are helpless.

There will be no end of such killings for it create a circle filled with hate and each killing expand the circle and involve in much more innocent ones.

I feel like that I must do something. Maybe just a little but being able to help those innocent ones get rid of danger.

I can not eliminate hate, but just try to do something. But i wonder if I can put myself somewhere. Will there will such an organization or a group. And what can i do?