00:30凌晨密令--Zero Dark Thirty


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導演: 凱薩琳畢格羅
編劇: 馬克波爾
演員: 潔西卡雀絲坦 傑森克拉克 喬爾埃哲頓 史考特艾金斯


2013-03-22 07:52:30

bin Laden is not everything. Americans are not always right.

I don't like it, at all. This is not a film about bin Laden; it is not about terrorism either. It's a typical American film that makes a heroine of the CIA. I have to admit that the heroine is adorable. She's tough, smart and truly excellent. But I can't see shinning points in this film, apart from good photographing.

It reminds me of what I had been learning for the last semester. I read materials about terrorism almost every day for over three months. I came across lines talking about bombs, killings, tortures, etc. when it got late at night. I felt terrible when walking in the street seeing someone covered in black or white. I truly don't wanna become prejudiced but I can't help. That's human nature and that's why Americans support their government in carrying out those secret programs. In this point, I can understand Americans. However, the superpower which has been proud of its liberal democracy is violating liberty in the name of protecting the so-called liberty of the Americans'. George Bush said bin Laden hated the liberty that Americans had been enjoying. That's not ture. God knows what makes people hate liberty. People won't sacrifice their freedom and life for nothing. There must be some reasons for that, of which Americans are never aware of; or they just don't wanna admit it. It's irony when you see the US killing people out of their territory, including their own people, their soldiers, in Afghanistan, in Iraq.

I am not saying that terrorists are good guys, for sure. I fully agree with Americans that terrorists should be punished for their violent conducts. I appreciate American soldiers' hard work and sacrifice in anti-terrorism programs. But Americans should know why terrorists do that. Terrorists are not created by bin Laden and they are not going to disappear with the death of bin Laden. They call themselves freedom-fighters. They are the price that the USA is being forced to pay for its doing as a high-handed superpower. It's the consequence which the USA should have taken into consideration when it put its hand into another civilization with no respect for the people there. Please think of the history that countries today have come through in their past. Think of what people in the Third World are suffering from.

Terrorists are not cracy; they know what they are doing; and bin Laden is not everything. To some degree, he's the target built by the American government. Certainly bin Laden is an important guy in al-Qaeda. Nevertheless he's not that important which deserved billions of dollars spent by the US government, by the tax paid by American people, who probably don't know what's going on. Terrorists exist; attacks happen. They did and will do.

I don't like the way people simplify things. The world is not black-and-white. Americans are not always at the side of justice. Those guys perceived by the US government as evils are not all evils; some of them conduct in an evil way but their motives are at least not evil if I can't say they are good or right. And I feel disappointed that I don't see sympathy for life in this film, both for American soldiers and innocent people killed by them.