

7.9 / 1,305,185人    194分鐘

導演: 詹姆斯卡麥隆
編劇: 詹姆斯卡麥隆
演員: 李奧納多狄卡皮歐 凱特溫絲蕾 比利贊恩 凱西貝茲 比爾派斯頓


2013-03-26 06:53:36

Is Titanic a success?

   I think the movie Titanic is a huge success accessed in the three aspects of an excellent story.
   First of all, Titanic is full of dramatic conflicts. From the very beginning, the suspense begins with the diamond that adventurers longed for and the one-hundred-years-old mysterious lady as the storyteller. As the protagonists appear, one is a well-educated noble class lady in the first-class and the other is a poor painter wandering all over with a third-class ticket gained from gambling, we wonder how those totally different people could intersect with each other. When Jack and Rose get to know each other and have affection towards each other, their current situation becomes the obstacle. Rose has to choose between bread and love and her mother looks down upon Jack and imposes her to marry her fiancé Carl. Rose has already fed up with all the people in her social circle, who are very snobbish and narrow-minded. She longs for a free and open-minded life and then she meets with Jack, the man with positive passion and fresh freedom. Later on, when Rose and Jack break all the constraints and have a happiest time ever, the iceberg runs out and ruins everything. Jack is locked and they separate. The climax comes when Rose goes back at any risk and the two faces with the disaster together. From the beginning to the end, the audience always has something to wonder and is attracted to the movie for the whole three hours.
   Second, the movie is presented by all actors』 eye-catching performances and cameras』 striking images. There are so many beautiful and classical moments: Jack and Rose standing on the bows opening their arms to feel the wind; vivid and grand representation of the water rushing into the ship; poor people’s fearful expressions and bustling behaviors facing the disasters; of course, some people are calm facing death, the old couple hugging each other on the bed, the brave mother telling stories to her two babies, the orderly violin players and so on. Not only main characters perform soulfully, but the other figures also show us exactly the scene of the Titanic accident.
   Last but not least, the director not only tells us what happens in real, but also tells us what is going on in the characters』 minds. The former is expressed in the obvious form of pictures, dialogues, performances and so on. The latter is achieved in two ways, old Rose as the storyteller and other characters』 lines. For example, the old Rose tell us what young Rose feel about her current life that she』d already lived it an endless parade of parties and cotillions…like she was standing at a great precipice with no one to pull her back… That tell us how Rose felt about her current life. She’s not satisfied with the boring social conventions and inside, she’s screaming. And also, Jack told Rose to make each day count and at the end of his life he told her to going on, to make lots of babies and watch them grow, die an old lady warm in bed. From Jack’s words, we can surely see how deeply Jack loves Rose. In such a limited time, he keeps teaching her to live a meaningful and wonderful life. That’s also Jack’s attitude towards life.
   In conclusion, Titanic perfectly accords with all the standards for an excellent story. This classic is no doubt a great success in the history of movie.