真愛一世情--Legends of the Fall


7.5 / 184,284人    133分鐘

導演: 愛德華史威克
編劇: Jim Harrison (Ⅰ) Susan Shilliday
演員: 布萊德彼特 安東尼霍普金斯 艾登昆恩 茱莉亞歐蒙

naturally JOJO

2013-04-06 02:12:50


I like the character setting in this movie. Especially Tristen. There are that kind of people, who listen to themselves and live by their own definition. Their exsitences are the source of legends and stories. They don't want to creat history or to be famous. However, power, courage generate from what they do constently which finally become precious treasure of human spirit not only guiding the way fighting against nature but also the battle against human themselves . And with their examples, we human beings have showed proundly to the creator that we've triumphed over mud and water from what we are made of and became unique individuals each with our own characters. It's about the inner voice from nowhere that lead us to defeat fates and finally achieved our glory. Fighting, against all odds, is the only way.