阿宅的二三事--Jeff, Who Lives at Home


6.4 / 65,627人    83分鐘

導演: Jay Duplass 馬克杜普拉斯
編劇: Jay Duplass 馬克杜普拉斯
演員: 傑森席格 茱蒂葛瑞兒 蘇珊莎蘭登


2013-04-06 17:35:18

Jeff who believes in the sign

Critique in IMBD
I like movies that show how small, apparently insignificant, choices can lead to life changing events. I also like movies in which a character is redeemed by adhering to principles that everyone else thinks are insane. In its own subtle way, the movie questions many of the basic premises that underlie modern society.

PLus the mutual support and feelings between the two women are touching.