命中雷霆--Struck by Lightning


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導演: Brian Dannelly
編劇: Chris Colfer
演員: 瑞貝爾威爾森 克莉絲汀娜韓翠克絲 德莫麥隆尼 愛莉森珍妮


2013-04-06 19:51:05


       Life come at you fast, it runs through your body and tries to escape, and be expressd in any way possible. In a way, it's a lot like... Lighting.


       I always thought death would be different. I expected a great wave of realization to sweep over me. Suddenly, the meaning of life would be answered along with every other question I ever had. But there was nothing to realize. I was dead.

       Everyone gets depressed. It's an emotion. People turn to pills. Before they turn to their problems these days.

       In what grade do we stop believing in ourselves. Well, what grade do we just stop believing period? I mean, someone has to be a nobel peace prize winner. Someone has to be a ballerina. Why not us?

       Sometimes I just don't get it. Life. I mean, why do some of us have to work so hard for things we believe in and others don't? I mean, why do some of us care so much? I mean, why are some of us selfish by nature and... Some of us are selfish to survive?

       I wanted to be heard so bad that I never thought about listening. But what I regretted the most was that I lived every day waiting for my life to begin. The higher your cloud, the further your rain falls. I soon learned that when it rains it pours.

       What isn't worth remembering? With good memories come bad memories, and I've got a lot of both. At least this way I can fast forward through all the bad stuff. (胖女孩回答為什麼時時刻刻要拍攝。)

       it doesn't matter if you're stuck in the past or if you try to finger the past, what matter is what you do in the present.

       I had been so busy dwelling in my own self-pity. I had forgotten what I actually accomplished. (這句感觸很深。)

       Without goals or dreams, isn't a life worth living... Life comes at you fast, it runs through your body and tries to escape, and be expressed in any way possible. In a way, it's a lot like... Lighting.

       The END.