"The Big Bang Theory"


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2013-04-07 01:21:02

smart is the new sexy

  When I see this film , always , it let me feel that I am some kind of Sheldon , especially on the low EQ side !! (特別是 Sheldon 對於生日互送禮物的看法,和我一模一樣*.*)
   smart is the new sexy聰明就是新一類的性感   

  the more the merrier人多齊歡樂,獨樂樂不如眾樂樂
  Sheldon :Every body has a date, even you, Mario, going after princess peach., and what am I doing? I』m just enabling you. Oh, Mario, if only I can control every one like I control you \
  You know , it occurs to me you could solve all your problems by obtaining more money 你可以解決你所有的問題通過賺取更多的錢.
  Make pee-pee 小便
  Far to my comfort
  That girl needs to get a life 那個女孩真應該好好過日子
  Penny: Ok, fine all, right ! I am gonna introduce your friend to a world of hurt.. 我要給你那朋友點顏色瞧瞧.
  Love trumps hate look on the bright side 愛大於恨 看好的一面吧
  That I didn』t mean it , because I meant it . 我不是故意的,我是認真(故意)的.
  Oh ,I』m glad I found out the truth about you before this went any further.
  Afk: away from keyboard
  Leonard: you were just in the wrong boy’s room at the wrong time .
  We have spent our whole lives running away from fights. 我們的一生就是從戰場上逃跑.
  give it a shot 試試:
  Howard: Speaking as a expert, way to look needy. 以專業的眼光看,真是飢不擇食啊
  (do you think sometimes you try too hard ?) look at me , what chance do I have if I don』t try too hard ? (z)最可悲的是我們連一個機會都沒有
  Leslie:This is a deal breaker 這是原則問題
  當人們堅持看下去,必定會慢慢地接受劇集宣傳的那個觀念:Smart is the new sexy。
  他們回答:Because we can~~!^^