十面埋伏--House of Flying Daggers


7.5 / 116,504人    119分鐘 | Australia:118分鐘

導演: 張藝謀
演員: 劉德華 章子怡 金城武


2013-04-20 23:33:39


It is hard to argue that the film is based on a loose and sometimes poor storyline. But as you can probably tell from the extremely direct way of presenting the story, House of Flying Dagger is not about the story, but about the effect on the human sensorium. Like all Zhang Yimou's films, the movie's use of colour is a beauty to behold, albeit it got repetitive towards the end because the setting as a whole does not really change. The acting, especially of Zhang Yiyi simply makes the movie even more beautiful. However, I really think towards the end, the movie loses traction a little, but overall, still gorgeous and memorable.