冰與火之歌:權力遊戲 第三季--Game of Thrones: Season 3


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2013-05-12 18:28:01

The review of episode 6

We』ve just crossed the halfway point of Season 3 of the Game of Thrones and the past few episodes have really shown a high level of consistency. Not only is the quality of the show at a high level, but the events in The Climb really take heights to a new place.
Robb Stark is in negotiations to have House Tully join his army. The Tully siblings demand a formal apology from Robb Stark to their father, Edmure Tully. That seems all well and good, but there is one more tiny stipulation. Edmure to marry Edmure Tully’s daughter now since Robb is unavailable. Edmure promised he』d makeup for his costly mistake last episode, but he never thought the favor would be this complicated. At first, he wholeheartedly refuses to marry. Luckily, after some badgering he decides it would be in his best interest. We』ll see how well that works out.
One of the only continued disappointments in this season is the continued abuse of Theon Greyjoy. He’s a miserable character, caught between two families whose trust he has betrayed. I think they would』ve gotten the point home with about three episodes of consistent torture, but Ramsay Snow has other plans. Where there have been countless limbs lost in previous episodes, there’s nothing quite as stomach turning as what happens to Theon here.

All seemed to be going well at the Brotherhood Without Banners camp』, until Melisandre’s surprise visit. She is in search of someone with the king’s blood in order to win the war for Stannis. Interestingly, its not much of a secret that Gendry is the man she’s looking for. Thoros of Myr and Melisandre have a conversation discussing their equal belief in the Lord of Light. She is surprised by just how many times Beric Dondarion has returned from the other side. It doesn』t take much for Beric and Thoros to bid farewell to Gendry. Their group needs funds to continue fighting the good fight and Melisandre has the gold they need. Of course this doesn』t sit very well with Arya. Melisandre gets confronted by Arya and she promises they will meet again and with that Gendry is gone.
Of course the highlight of this week’s episode was the epic climb of The Wall. John Snow and Ygritte promise to watch each others back. She believes that although he has forsaken his sacred vows, at his heart he is still a crow. This doesn』t bother her for some reason as long as he promises to stay true to her. Anytime your scaling a wall that large there’s bound to be a little bit of trouble. Some of the wall collapses』 as they are climbing up the side and one of their allies is none to quick to cut the rope that binds John and Ygritte to the wall. Luckily, they survive, allowing John to show Ygritte the other side of the wall for the first time in her life.
The episode would not be complete without some underhanded scheme going on in King’s Landing. Littlefinger has been slowed down by Pycelle this time, but there’s sheer menace in his eyes, showing that his mad ambitions will not be slowed by anyone. Ambitions people are certainly a common theme in the Game of Thrones, but there is a different between being ambitious and being successful.   舉報