舞力全開4 3D--Step Up Revolution


6.4 / 58,533人    99分鐘

導演: 史考特史皮爾
編劇: 珍妮梅爾
演員: 亞當賽凡提 凱薩琳麥康梅 萊恩高斯曼 喬丹娜德波拉


2013-05-31 19:33:26

A Persuasive Speech in English Class:


哈囉 ,everyone.Today I will strongly recommand a film named"Setp Up: Revolution" to you by presenting several reasons.I just want to make a speech to convey my perference and also wish that when I ask you "Do all of you have a desire to see this movie?' in the end,you all will speak out loudly "Yes!".Then I will appreciate it .Thanks.

Emily must work together with Sean's chew:the Mob,to turn their proformance art into protest art risking losing their dreams:dancing for youth.So there are so many concequences you must see it.

1,If you like dancing and hip-hop,you should never let this movie go. It will show you a beauty of various kinds of dancing

2,All the dancers are teenagers.They all dance with with the passion of youth to tell people how to make full use of the valuable time. No matter what age you are,you'll find the happiest and most passionate youth time shadow in them.

3,There are many art patterns in their dancing,such as ballet ,panting,latin and so on. I'm sure after you see it you will ask youself :Can dancing be like this?

4,And you may find many fashional elements in this movie,like music,rap,parkour ,etc.Wanna catch up with the world? Enjoy the movie!

5,Like dancing in blocked street,museum and restaurant, they must have the courage to face all the diffficulties they meet. So you should never let anyting to hinder the way to your dream.

6,on seeing this movie, you will be impressed by the teenagers' creativity. They may use iron bars,or they may dance in exhibition and next time they may be causing traffic jams. That is to say you will never think out what and where they may dance.

7,All members in Mob come from different places but for one dream:dancing free and realising their passion.So they work together to make their dream come ture.Therefore ,the road to dream never seems so long.

8,Love is always the eternal topic in any films. If you desire to see the love story and want to gain someting, please see it.

That's all. Thank you.

And I want to say:"Would you like to see this movie at sometimes?"
(But there seems no one to respond.)
