出神入化--Now You See Me


7.2 / 712,522人    115分鐘 | 125分鐘 (extended edition)

導演: 路易斯賴托瑞
編劇: 艾迪所羅門 鮑茲亞金
演員: 傑西艾森柏格 伍迪哈里遜 艾拉費雪


2013-05-31 23:50:32

Now You See Me

The trailer of the film definitely made my expectation sky-high, unfortunately the final product is not extremely gratifying, something that perhaps should have been foreseen considering the grand scheme of the film. In a series of rapid scenes tackling a series of far-fetched magic tricks, Now You See Me seems messy and all over the place. It requires audience to pay the utmost attention to everything, just when everything is about to click, the film quickly switches to another trick, everything moves too fast without allowing any breather. While all these gimmicks are interesting, we get the feeling that these are all what the movie have, a vacuum of tricks without any direction.