經典老爺車--Gran Torino


8.1 / 823,028人    116分鐘

導演: 克林伊斯威特
編劇: 尼克史堅克
演員: 克林伊斯威特 克里斯多夫卡利 畢范 安妮赫爾 約翰卡羅林區


2013-06-10 09:27:28

that old obstinate man

This is the second film which made me cry heavily after 「Brave Heart」. I usually have a pitiful and sympathy heart for the old. Maybe this is another reason caused my grieved tears. As for the title, I really agree the opinion that the Gran Torino represents the succession of the spirit. In the end of the movie, departed Walt left the car to Thao through the way of testament. I think maybe Walt wishes that Thao could become a true man like him full of bravery and justice. When the lawyer read the testament ,Thao smiled ,and I smiled too. I believe he could content the wishes of Walt. Although Walt is a brash person who often speaks crude words, outdated in many aspects and has discrimination for races, his essence is very good . I fall in love with this code hero deeply.