冰與火之歌:權力遊戲 第三季--Game of Thrones: Season 3


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2013-06-13 07:59:46

Say something to those characters

I want to give every character some words
Arya stark, go become the faceless;
don't cry, Ygritte;
You know nothing,, Jon Snow;
Attaboy, piggy Sam;
fuck you Brandon, you are growing too damn fast;
You are such a beauty, Sansa Stark;
Varys, what an impressive speech to the exotic "bitch"
Joffery, you are much quieter now;
What a mess, little Imp, hold on;
Cersei, i can't express how much i love ya;
Jamie, you're a knight and you should marry that "Girl"
Theo Greyjoy, what have you done!!
Mother of Dragon, you're a woman without flaw;
Joffery's wife, what a woman!
Tywin Lannister, you've got a sense of wise, family man;   舉報